Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 3.djvu/436

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63 STAT.] AUSTRIA-PASSPO1TiVISA EE June 10, 28, 1949 sions, and not to the length of stay in th, United States which may be permitted the bearer after he is admitted. The period of stay will, as at present, continue to be determined by the Immigration authorities. A fee for an immigration visa and application therefor to permit an alien to apply for admission into the United States with the privilege of residing permanently therein is $10.00. The amount of this fee is prescribed by the Immigration Act of 1924, and it may not be changed on the basis of a reciprocal arrangement. The Legation would appreciate being informed as soon as con- veniently possible whether the arrangement proposed by the Gov- ernment of the United States meets with the approval of the Austrian Government. GWB VIENNA, JT 10, 19J9. To the FREX=AL -sACnA*RwEtT, ' - ,Department of ForeignAffairs, *.- . r Vienna . 2741 Fee for immigration via. 43 Stat. 163 . 8 U.S.C .§ 201note.