Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 3.djvu/440

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3 STAT.] PARAGIAY--OOOPERATIVE EDUOArTION Ai 26, 1491 2745 ,The Government of the United States of America will consider the present note and your reply note concurring therein as constituting an agreement between our two Governments, which shall come into force on the date of signature ['] of an agreement by the Minister of Educa- tion and a representative of The Institute of Inter-American Affairs embodying the above-mentioned technical details. If the proposed extension on the above basis is acceptable to your Government, I would appreciate receiving an expression of Your Excellency's assurance to that effect as soon as may be possible, in order that the technical details of the extension may be worked out by the officials of the Ministry of Education, and The Institute of Inter-American Affairs. I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurances of my highest and most distinguished consideration.. FLmErEB W NARE Ameridan Ambassador ' His Excellency BErNARn OCAMPOS, Minister of ForeignRelations and Worship, Asunci6n. The ParaguayanMinister of Foreign Relations and Worship to the American Ambassador MINISTERIO DE RKLA.CIONES EXTERIORES Y CULTO D.P. yD.- N° 1004. - ASUNCION, 30 de agosto de 1949. - SEiNO EMBAJADOR: Con referencia a la nota N° 106, de fecha 26 de Julio del corriente afio de esa representaci6n diplomatica, me es grato dirigirme a Vuestra Excelencia, para transcribirle la comunicaci6n recibida del Ministerio de Educaci6n, que dice asi: "Asunci6n, 28 de agosto de 1949. - N° 214. - Sefior Ministro: Tengo el agrado de dirigirme a V.E., en contestaci6n a su nota D.P .y D. N" 869 de fecha 29 de Julio ppdo., pars expresarle la conformidad de este Ministerio con las condiciones estipuladas en la nota N° 106 de fecha 26 de Julio de 1949, de la Embajada Americana con respecto a la pr6rroga del Convenio suscrito entre el Ministerio de Educaci6n y el Instituto de Asuntos Interamericanos, Divisi6n de Educaci6n.- Aprovecho la oportunidad para saludar a V. E. con mi mejor con- sideraci6n. - Firmado: J. Eulogio Estigarribia-Ministro. - A S.E. el Sr. Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto, Dr. Bernardo Ocampos. - E.S .D ." Sept. 1, 1949.