Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 3.djvu/464

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63STAT.] NORWAY-EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION-MAY 25, 1948 into any commitment or create any ob- ligation which shall bind the Founda- tion in excess of the funds actually on hand nor acquire, hold, or dispose of property except for the purposes authoried in the present agreement. Article 5 The management and direction of the affairs of the Foundation shall be vested in a Board of Directors consisting of eight Directors (here- inafter designated the "Board"), four of whoa shall be citizens of the United States of America and four of whom shall be nationals of Norway. In addition, the principal officer in charge of the Diplomatic Lission of the United States of AN- erica to Norway (hereinafter desig- nated "Chief of Mission") shall be Honorary Chairman. of the Board. He:- shall cast the deciding vote in the event of a tie vote by the Board and shall appoint the Chairman of the Board. The Chairman as a regular member of the Board shall have the right to vote. The citizens of the United States of America on the Board, at least two of whom shall be officers of the United States Foreign Service establishment -in Norway, shall be appointed and removed by the Chief of Mission; the nationals of Nor- ay ca the Board hall be appointed and removed by the Norwegian Minister of Church and Education. The Directors shall serve from the time of their appointment until the following December 31 and shall be eligible for reappointment. Vacan- cies by reason of resignation, trans- fer of residence outside Norway, expi- forpliktelse eller stifte noen ford- ring son vil binde Fondet utover de midle- det- til enhver tid rar over. Det skal heller ikke erverve, besitte eller avhende eiendom for andre for- mal enn slike som har hjemmel I denne avtale. Artikkel 5 Administrasjonen og ledelsen av Fondets virksomhet skal ligge hos et styre (heretter kalt "Styret") besta- ende av 8 medlemmer, hvorav 4 skal veare amerikanske borgere og 4 norske staisborgere. Dessuten skal den embets- mann som star i spissen for Amerikas Forente Staters diplomatiske represen- tasjon i Norge (heretter kalt "Misjons- sjef"), *iire;Styr'ts honoriae formann, Hans Ateisme skal gejre' utslag.e6 hvis det oppstar stenmelikhet i Styret, og 'han skal opphnene Styre-ts formnn' For- Imannen sikal,'so.m rultf styremedlem, ha stemerett.- tMisojbss:efen skal opp- nevne og lose fra vervet de amerikanske styremedlemmene, hvorav minst to skal vare tjenestemenn ved Amerikas Forente Staters utenrikske representasjon i Norge. Den norske kirke- og undervis- .ningsminister skal oppnevne de norske styremedlemiaene og lose dem fra deres verv. [t

Styremedlemmene skal gjore tjene- ste fra oppnevningsdagen til den pA- fdlgende 31. desember og de skal kunne oppnvneis ,p nytt. Styreplasser som blir iedige pa grmnn av fratreden, ut- flytning fra Norge, avslgttet tjeneste- 2769 Board of Directors. Length of term.