Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 3.djvu/504

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [63 STAT. eptember 1949 Agreement between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet T. I. A. s.2] Socialist Republics respecting the return to the United States of ice- breakersandfrigatesreceived by the Union of Soviet SocialistRepublics underthe Lend-Lease Act. Signed at WashingtonSeptember 27, 1949; entered into force September 27, 1949. Agreement on Dates and Procedures for Return of Three Icebreakers and Twenty-Seven Frigates of the United States Navy Received by the 5s stat. 31 . Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Under the Lend-Lease Act. 22U. s.C.it41- 419. Date. 1. The return to United States representatives of the vessels will be accomplished by the Soviet Government using its own crews not later than December 1, 1949. Portsofanser. 2. The vessels will be returned and transferred to United States representatives, the frigates at the port of Yokosuka, Japan and the icebreakers at the port of Bremerhaven, Germany as follows: The Frigates in three groups of nine vessels each by November 15, 1949. The Icebreaker North Wind in October; the Ice- breakers South Wind and West Wind in November. Equipment, etc. 3. The vessels will be returned with their equipment, spare parts and ammunition, with the exception of that which has been consumed, destroyed or lost during the period of the war. Deed of delvery. 4. The actual transfer of the vessels will be effected by exchange of a deed of delivery and receipt for each vessel, (exhibit A attached hereto) executed in duplicate both in the English and Russian lan- guages by the Soviet Officer delivering the vessel and by the receiving United States Officer, one copy of the deed in each language to be retained by each country. Accommodation 8 for Soviet owsa 5. Should the Soviet Government so desire, the Government of the United States will arrange for or provide the Soviet crews with hotel or barrack accommodations and victuals, consistent with their rank or rate for the period between disembarking the vessel and de- parting the port of delivery. Arrangements for the foregoing, in- cluding visits ashore, and for other facilities desired for sojourn of the Soviet crews will be coordinated by the Senior United States Naval Commander at the appropriate port (or his representative) upon re- ceipt of written request from the Senior Soviet Officer present. Pay- ment for such accommodations and victuals will be made by the Soviet Government prior to the departure of the crews. U.r e re s to 6. The Soviet Government will make the necessary arrangements for and bear the expense of the return of its crews to the Soviet Union. l eotnchWe, 7. The Senior Officer of a group of vessels returning in company or the Commanding Officer of a vessel returning singly will make ap- 2810