Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 3.djvu/76

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2380 American Volun- tary Relief Agencies. 62 Stat., Pt. 1,p. 153. 22 U. 8. C., Supp. 11, § 1515 (c). 63Stat., Pt.1,p.54. Article III The ECA Mission will transmit to the Government of Greece a list of the American Voluntary Relief Agencies approved by the ECA Advisory Committee in Washington, for operations in Greece under Section 117 (C) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1948. The Government of Greece will thereupon decide whether to approve such organizations for the receipt and distribution of relief packages within Greece, and shall notify the Chief, ECA Mission of such decision. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [63 STAT. receiving an unlimited number of such packages or packs; and provided, further, that nothing in this Article shall be construed to limit the number of packages or packs that may be received by an individual engaged in charity or philanthropic works in Greece for distribution to needy persons if such individual has the approval of the Government of Greece for such distribution work.