Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 3.djvu/91

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HAITI-NAVAL MISSION-APR . 14, 1949 be cumulative from year to yea during his service as a member o the Mission. ARTICLE 26. The Governmen of the Republic of Haiti agrees t( grant the leave specified in Articl 25, upon written request approvec by the Chief of the Mission, tak. ing into consideration the con. veniences of the service. ARTICLE 27. The leave referred to in Article 25 may be spent in Haiti, in the United States ol America, or in other countries, but the expense of travel and trans- portation shall be borne by the member of the Mission taking such leave. Travel time shall count As leave and shall not be in addition to the time authorized in Article 25. ARTICLE 28. Any member of the Mission who may be relieved shall continue service with the Mission until the arrival of his replacement, except when other- wise agreed upon between the two Governments. ARTICLE 29. Members of the Mission who may become ill shall be cared for in the hospitals of the Government of the Republic of Haiti at the expense of the Gov- ernment of the Republic of Haiti. There shall furthermore be pro- vided annually a credit not to ex- ceed 20 percent of the total amount of the annual salaries of the members of the Mission for medical attention that may be furnished them and the members of their families by specialists or in institutions other than the hospitals of the Government of the Republic of Haiti. The ex- penditure of funds of this nature shall be made by the Government r d'ann6e en annee pendant la duree f de son service comme membre de la Mission. t ARTICLE 26. Le Gouvernement o de la Republique d'Haiti consent e A accorder le conge specifi6 a I 'article 25, sur demande ecrite - approuvee par le Chef de la - Mission, eu 6gard aux exigences du service. ARTICLE 27. Le cong6 men- tionn6 a l'article 25 pourra etre f utilis6 en Haiti, aux Etats-Unis

d'Amerique ou en d'autres pays,

- mais les frais de voyage et de transport seront supportes par le

membre de la Mission beneficiant

de ce conge. Le temps du voyage t comptera comme cong6 et ne sera pas ajout6 au cong6 autorisd A l'article 25. ARTICLE 28. Tout membre de Terminatbinocate of replacement. la Mission qui serait relev6 con- tinuera ses services dans la Mis- sion jusqu'A l'arrivee de son rem- plagant, sauf entente contraire entre les deux Gouvernements. ARTICLE 29. Les membres de MedIIa.taoo. la Mission qui tomberaient mala- dos seront soignes dans les h6pi- taux du Gouvernement de la R6publique d'Halti aux frais dudit Gouvernement. II sera en outre pr6vu, chaque annee, des credits ne depassant pas 20 pour cent du montant total des appointements annuels des membres de la Mission en vue de pourvoir aux soins medicaux qui leur seraient fournis, ainsi qu'aux membres de leur famille, par des specialistes ou dans des dtablissements autres que les h6pitaux du Gouverne- ment de la R6publique d'Haiti. Les sorties de fonds de cette nature seront effectuees par le 63 STAT. ]