Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 65.djvu/1058

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B94 October 4, 1951 [S. Con. Res. 41]


[65 STAT.


Resolved by the Senate {the House of Representatives concwn^ng)^ That the Congress favors the suspension of deportation in the case of each alien hereinafter named, in which case the Attorney General has suspended deportation for more than six months. A-6479486, Abernethy, Richard John or Richard John Fowler or "Mickey." A-6539701, Adams, Muriel Emily (nee Briggs). A-7140100, Alaniz-Cavazos, Fidel. A-5882375, Armadillo, Pedro. A-4870915, Baker, Mary Agnes Julia (nee Bourque). A-7222788, Barone, Maurio or Mario. A-7908682, Beltran-Garcia, Adolfo or Julio Velazques-Quesada or Julio V. Quesada. A-7050329, Bourke, Lesandre Helen. A-7284857, Bradley, Amelia Mar. A-7118532, Braschel, Erich. A-7469506, Carlson, Else Solveig or Else Solveig Huttel. A-4744210, Del Greco, Gino. A-5567596, De Reyes, Amada Morales. A-2643792, De Estrada, Concepcion Contreras. A-4510833, Devany, Margaret Jane or Anne or Annie Devany. A-6261641, Dimitriou (Demitry or Demetriou), Olympia (nee Hassos). A-5751220, Di Paola, Castrenze or Costrenze or Castrenzo or John Di Paola. A-4673025, Di Vito, Carmen Francesco or Carmen Francisco Di Vito. A-7189232, Donovan, Daniel Millington. A-4746581, Drysdale, Katherine Mercia. A-4757727, Eckstein, Renee or Regina (nee Semo). A-6707812,,Ekmekjian, Lucie Sona (nee Takvorian). A-5229491, Embiricos, Michael Andre. A-4310620, End, Hillebrand Van Den. A-7975636, Enman, Marta Magdalena (nee Marta Magdalena Zenk yAcuna). A-4387785, Feiler, Sam or Solomon Feiler or Salamon Feiler. A-4039884, Florich, Nicola Luciano. A-3647798, Francescut, Angela Catterina Vidoni, A-1774672, Frankild, E r h a r d t Alexander or Dan Frankild. A-7286278, Garcia, Samuel. A-2347329, Garcia-Lozada, Benigno or Manuel Montesino. A-9114236, Golonka, Jan. A-5070150, Gonzalez, Albert Fernandez or Alberto Fernandez G. or Alberto Fernandez Gonzalez. A-1152048, Guglielmetti, Giuseppe Settembrino or Joseph S. Williams. A-2410518, Hara, Miho. A-3792301, Hayano, Kow Watanabe. A-7040197, Hebenstreit, Lottie or Lott Heberstreit. A-2756914, Helou, Maurice Barakat or Maurice Barakat. A-4462374, Hiraoka, Inosuke or Sadanobu Ueno or Uyeno or Yamamoto. A-6993696, Hirsch, Helga Maria. A-4350758, Hodder, John. A-4350329, Hoelzel, Alex. A-3201950, Inada, Shoichiro.