Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 65.djvu/1130

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SUBJECT Appropriations—Continued. ^**^® Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1950, authorized 421, 422 Appropriation for 56, 261, 592 Forest fire control operations, Missoula, Mont., acquisition of land, etc., authorized 610 Gold s t a r lapel b u t to n s, distribution, etc., authorized 196 Institute of Inter-American Affairs Act, authorized 377 Appropriation for 731 Insurance Act of 1951, appropriation to revolving fund, authorized 37 International Development, Act for, authorized 377 Appropriation for 731 International organizations, limitation on U. S. contributions to 599 Japanese ancestry, persons of, payment of claims, authorized 192 Appropriation for 583 Marine Band, attendance at celebration in South Boston, Mass., authorized 4 Military and naval installations, construction of facilities, authorized- 364, 365 Appropriation for 764 M u t u a l Defense Assistance Act of 1949, authorized 373-377 Appropriation for 730 M u t u a l Security Act of 1951, authorized 373-377 Appropriation for 730 Naval vessels, construction and conversion of, authorized 4 Appropriation for 49 Navy Band, attendance at United Confederate Veterans reunion, Norfolk, Va., authorized 46 Navy Department, enlargement of water-supply facilities, San Diego area, authorized 406 Appropriation for 764 Postal Service, Joint Committee on, authorized 678 Renegotiation Act of 1951, a u t h o r i z e d. _ 22 Servicemen's I n d e m n i t y Act of 1951, authorized 35 Appropriation for 404 Small Defense Plants Administration, authorized 139, 144 Appropriation for 753 Statement of, appropriation for preparation 396 Temporary, 1952 111, 149, 208, 366 Territorial papers, collecting, editing, etc., authorized 715

INDEX Appropriations—Continued. ^^^e Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and satellites, restriction on aid to countries t r a d i n g with 63, 645 Universal Military Training and Service Act, appropriation to effect provisions of, authorized 87 Appropriation for 209, 745 Veterans Administration, automobiles, etc., for certain disabled veterans, authorized 575 Appropriation for 59 Virgin Islands, agricultural program, authorized 662 Virgin Islands Corporation, appropriation for 265 War risk, aviation, and liability insurance, provision by Secretary of Commerce, authorized 67 Young Men's Christian Association Building, Phoenix, Ariz., lease and purchase, authorized 116 Arapaho Tribe, Wind River Reservation, Wyo., segregation and expenditure of t r u s t funds . 208 Arbitration, Title 9, U. S. Code, Amendment, witnesses before arbitrators, compelling attendance 715 Arbitration and Emergency Boards, National Mediation Board, appropriation for 222, 224 Arboretum, National, appropriation for_229 Architect of the Capitol: Appropriation for_ _ 54, 112, 149, 208, 366, 396 Claims, C o u r t of, funds for repairs and improvements 595 Printing and binding, appropriation for. 402 Supplies and services not in excess of $500, authority to purchase in open market 709 Supreme Court building and grounds, funds for care of 595 Travel expenses, funds available for 396 Ardmore Airfield, Okla., construction of facilities, authorized 351 Argentia, Newfoundland, Naval Station, construction of facilities, authorized- 349 Arizona, terms of leases of State-owned lands 51 Arkansas, consent of Congress to extension and renewal of interstate compact concerning oil and gas conservation 199 Arkansas River Compact, U. S. Representative: Appointment of retired officer, authority 259 Appropriation for compensation and expenses 259