Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 65.djvu/1142

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Claims—Continued. ^"^^ Coast and Geodetic Survey: ^"^^ State, Department of—Continued. Appropriation for 56, 589 International Claims Settlement Act Charts, reimbursement for 590 of 1949, appropriation for claims Insurance for certain commissioned under 576 officers— Insurance Act of 1951 36 Treasury Department, appropriation for payment 182, 739 Servicemen's I n d e m n i t y Act of 1951. 33 War Claims Act of 1948, time extension M u t u a l security activities, appointment for filing under 28 of officers for, authority 732 Retired officers, restriction on payments W a r Claims Commission, appropriation to, for sales of supplies or war for 282 materials 757 W a r risk, aviation, and liability insurance, payments by Secretary of Surplus equipment for surveys in Alaska, transfer from Department s Commerce, authority 67 of Army, Navy, and Air Force, Claims, Court of. See under United authority 590 States Courts. Coast Guard: Classification Act of 1949: Acquisition, construction, and improveAmendments . 612 ments, appropriation for 186, 740 Charwomen, rate of pay 612 Aircraft, limitation on n u m b e r 185, 740 Crafts, Protective, and Custodial Appropriation for 56, 185, 740 Schedule, rate of compensation _ _ 612 Transfer of funds 186 Federal Employees Pay Act of 1945, Disability or death benefits for t e m p o nonapplicability to certain emrary members 715 ployees under 613 Enlisted personnel, expenditures for Federal Employees P a y Act of 1946, recreation, etc., limitation 185, 740 nonapplicability to certain emGifts from members on d u t y abroad, ployees under 613 time extension of free-entry privGeneral Schedule, rate of compensailege 3 tion 612 Headquarters, details at, restriction, _ 185, 740 Legislative Branch employees, comInsurance— pensation increase; limitation 613 Insurance Act of 1951 36 P a y increases 612 National Service Life Insurance Act Postal R a t e Revision and Federal of 1940. See separate title. Employees Salary Act of 1948, Servicemen's I n d e m n i t y Act of 1951 __ 33 nonapplicability to certain emOfficer procurement program, deferployees under 613 ment of enrollees from induction. R a t e s of pay, adjustment 612 See Universal Military Training Step increases in compensation 613 and Service Act. Positions in grade 16 or higher, a u t h o r Operating expenses, appropriation for. 185, 740 ized— Transfer of funds for damage claims, _ 739 Commerce, Department of 601 Property, technical amendments 707, 709 Defense, Department of 449 Records, payment of claims arising Federal Bureau of Investigation 600 from correction of certain naval General Accounting Office 274 records 655 M u t u a l Security Agency 379 Report to Congress, statement of Renegotiation Board 763 claims paid, etc 656 State, Department of 601 Reenlistment bonus 653 Clerks of Courts, appropriation for salReports to Congress, claims arising aries 596 from correction of records, payCleveland National Forest, Calif., approments, etc 656 priation for acquisition of land 234 Reserve components— Climatic Projects Laboratory, Mount Insurance— Washington, N. H., construction of Insurance Act of 1951 36 facilities, authorized 360 Servicemen's I n d e m n i t y Act of Clovis Air Force Base, N. Max., construc1951 33 tion of facilities, authorized 357 Reserve training, appropriation for__ 186 Coal. See Mines and Mining; and Mines, Retired officers, restriction on payments to, for sales of supplies or Bureau of, under Interior, D e part war materials 757 ment of the.