Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 65.djvu/1215

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SUBJECT Schools and Colleges—Continued. -^"^^ Payments to school districts, appropriation for 214 P o n e m a h, Minn., restriction on authority to incur obligations 742 P u r d u e University, Ind., appropriation for construction of poultry breeding house 227 Science Foundation, National. See National Science Foundation. Scott Air Force Base, Belleville, 111., construction of facilities, authorized 359 Scrap Metal, suspension of duties and import taxes on, time extension 108 Sea Lampreys, Predatory, in Great Lakes, cost limitation of investigations and studies of 130 Seamen, relief and protection abroad, appropriation for 576 Seattle, Wash.: Assay office, appropriation for 185 Japanese Trade Fair, articles for exhibition, admission without payment of tariff 64 Naval Receiving Station, construction of facilities, authorized 346 Second'Liberty Bond Act: Amendment, savings bonds. Series E, payment of interest on bonds retained after m a t u r i t y, authorized. 26 Appropriation for expenses of publicdebt operations authorized by 182 Proceeds from sale of securities issued under, use as public-debt transaction— Agriculture, Department of, certain loans and r e payments 240 Economic Cooperation Administration, purchase of notes by Treasury Department issued under India Emergency Food Aid Act of 1951 70 Second Supplemental Appropriation Act, 1952. See Supplemental Appropriation Act, 1952, Second. Second War Powers Act, 1942, time extension for certain authority, etc., with respect to designated import controls 111 Secret Service Division. See under Treasury Department. Securities and Exchange Commission, appropriation for 279 Reduction 755 Security Council, National. See National Security Council. Security Resources Board, National, appropriation for_ 112, 149, 208, 366, 423



Sedalia Air Force Base, Knobnoster, Mo., ^^^^ construction of facilities, a u t h o r i z e d. _ 355 Sedgwick County, Kans., claim of Board of C o u n t y Commissioners, jurisdiction of Court of Claims 5 Seed Act, Federal, appropriation for effecting provisions 239 Selective Service Act of 1948. See Universal Military Training and Service Act. Selective Service System: Appeal boards 87 Appropriation for 112, 149, 208, 366, 745 Exemption from apportionment restriction, authority of President745 Nonapplicability of certain laws to uncompensated officials and appeal board members 87 Report to Congress 87 Salaries and expenses, appropriation for_ 745 Universal Military Training and Service Act. See separate title. Selective Training and Service Act of 1940, funds for effecting provisions of _ 209 Selfridge Air Force Base, Mount Clemens, Mich., construction of facilities, authorized 355 Senate. See also Congress; Legislative Branch of the Government Adjournment sine die B107 Administrative assistants to Senators, appropriation for 389 Appointments with consent of— Air Force— Assistant Secretaries 327 Chief of Staff 328 Judge Advocate General 332 Under Secretary 327 M u t u a l Security Agency— Deputy Director 379 Director 378 Special Representative in Europe and Deputy 379 National Security Training Commission, members 80 Reconstruction Finance Corporation, Administrator and Deputy Administrator 773 Renegotiation Board, members 19 Small Defense Plants A d m i n i s t r a to r.. 140 Appropriation for 6, 53, 72, 112, 149, 208, 366, 388, 737, 760 Appropriations Committee— Government d e part m e n t s and agencies, reports on employees, grades, and salaries 758 International organizations, consideration of U. S. contributions in excess of limitation 599