Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 65.djvu/1228

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Treasury Department—Continued. -P"^® Treasury Department—Continued. ^"^^^ Bonds, savings, Series E, payment of Internal Revenue, Bureau of. See also interest on bonds retained after Taxes. maturity, authority 26 Appropriation for 183 Chauffeurs, restriction 189 Reduction 755 Claims— Bankruptcy Act, certain notices Appropriation for payment 182 under, furnishing of copies 114 Transfer of funds for 739 Internal Revenue Code. See sepaCoast Guard. See separate title. rate title. Coins. See Mint, Bureau of the. Renegotiation of contracts, services Commodity Credit Corporation, inmade available in connection debtedness of; cancellation of notes, 244 with 16 Comptroller of the Currency, transfer of Mint, Bureau of the — certain functions relating to buildAppropriation for 56, 185 ing associations in District of CoBooker T. Washington, coinage of lumbia to Home Loan Bank Board_ 323 50-cent pieces to commemorate Contingent expenses, public moneys, aplife of, etc., authorized 334 propriation for 183 George Washington Carver, coinage of Customs, Bureau of— 50-cent pieces to commemorate Appropriation for 183 life of, etc., authorized 334 Border facilities, Canadian and MexiNarcotics, Bureau of, appropriation for_ 184, can borders, increase in cost 739 limitation, authorized 336 Reduction 755 Export Control Act of 1949, transfer Overthrow of U. S. Government, restriction on employment of persons of funds for enforcement 590 advocating 188 Defense Housing and Community F a cilities and Services Act of 1951, Philippines, Republic of the, reimbursement for expenses of Filipino R e functions under 299, 311 habilitation Commission 273 Disbursement, Division of, appropriaPublic Debt, Bureau of, appropriation tion for 182 for 182,739 District of Columbia— Reduction 755 Auditor, approval of surety 125 Savings bond program, restriction on Deputy and assistant disbursing use of funds for advertising 739 officers, approval of bond 127 Railroad Retirement Act of 1937, transEngraving and Printing, Bureau of— fers of funds under, authority of the Appropriation for 184 Secretary 687, 688 Reduction 755 Reorganization Plan No. 26 of 1950, Paper for currency and securities, applicability to functions vested division of award 184 in officer, employee, or agency of Transfer of funds from 185 Department by Revenue Act of General Counsel, Office of, reduction in appropriation 755 1951 569 Reports to Congress, claims arising Housing and Home Finance Agency, from correction of military records, purchase of obligations 312 payments, etc 656 I n d i a Emergency Food Aid Act of Rural Electrification Administration, 1951— funds for loans, provisions for Purchase of notes issued under 70 borrowing from 239 Special deposit account for interest Savings bond program, restriction on payments; availability to Deuse of funds for advertising 739 part m e n t of State for educational Secret Service Division— exchange purposes 71 Appropriation for 184 Industrial alcohol plants, applicability Reduction 755 of certain provisions of Federal Detail of agents to supervise building Trade Commission Act to jurisdicguard force 185 tion, powers, etc., of Secretary D u t y on day off voluntarily perconcerning 322 formed by certain members, Information and editorial specialists, compensation for, authorized 27 etc., funds available, restriction,. 189, 759 Powers under Title 18, United States Code 122 Insurance Act of 1951, revolving f u n d.. 37