Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 65.djvu/1230

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United Nations Korean Reconstruction -^"^^ United States Code—Continued. P»^« Agency: Title 17, amendments — Appropriation for U. S. contributions Injunctions; service and enforcement. 716 to, authorized 376 Protection of component parts of Appropriation for 731 work copyrighted 716 Assignment of personnel; status and Review of orders, judgments, or deallowances, acceptance of office crees 717 under another government 376 Works in public domain, etc., copyUnited Nations Participation Act of 1945, right restriction; authority of applicability of provisions to obligaPostmaster General 716 tions and expenditures of U. S. parTitle 18, amendments — ticipation in International Civil AviClassified information, disclosure, ation Organization 578 penalty 719 Coins, mutilation, falsification, etc 121 United Nations Relief and Worlcs Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near Contracts by Member of Congress 717 East, allocation of funds for U. S. Counterfeiting— contribution, authority of the PresiCoins, making or possessing likedent 375 ness of 122 Obligations or securities, imitation; United States Code: Technical amendments of legislation advertisements 122 Extortion by officers or employees of related to certain titles 729, 730 the United States, penalty 720 Title 1, amendments — False advertising or misuse of names Constitutional amendments 710 to indicate Federal agency 719 Laws, promulgation 710 Federal employment, solicitation or Statutes at Large; contents; admissiacceptance of fees for aid in obbility in evidence 710 t a i n m e n t of, penalty 320 Technical amendment 710 Highway projects, falsifications reTitle 3, amendments — lating to, penalty 721 Electors of President and Vice-PresiIndian liquor laws— dent, certificates of appointment Disposition of conveyances seized and votes, certain procedures for violation of 609 relating to 711 Enforcement authority 722 President of the United States— Nationality, citizenship, and passDelegation of functions, authoriports, violations of laws pertainzation; publication 712 ing to, time limitation for proseExpense allowance, removal of tax cuting, etc 107 exemption 569 Repeal of provisions relating to Offenses, principals 717 protection 122 Political contributions, solicitation, Vice President, removal of tax expenalties for offenses relating to_ 718 emption from expense allowance. 570 Postage on mail delivered by foreign Title 4, amendment, territorial papers, vessels, repeal of certain provicollection, preparation, etc.; approsions relating to 336 priation authorization 713 Prison Industries, Federal, adminisTitle 6, amendment, official and penal tration 722 bonds, custody of certain 715 Prison-made products, purchase 723 Title 9, amendment, witnesses before Prisoners, Federal, parole— arbitrators, compelling attendance715 Eligibility 150 Title 14, amendments — Released prisoner as parolee 98 Aids to navigation, appliances, equipProperty mortgaged or pledged to ment, supplies, authority to acfarm credit agencies, penalty for cept as gift, etc 709 offenses relating to 718 Cadets; initial clothing allowance 196 Protection of certain officers and Coast Guard, disability or death beneemployees of United States. - — 721 fits for temporary members 715 Public Housing Administration transNavigation aids, authority of Coast actions, offenses relating to, Guard to establish, etc., in T r u s t penalty 720 Territory of the Pacific Islands-89 Secret Service powers 122 Repeal of designated provisions 702 Technical amendment 721, 723 Technical amendments 707, 708