Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 65.djvu/234

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PUBLIC LAW 128—AUG. 28, 1951

[65 STAT.

Illinois, Colorado, and Texas, which said compact so approved by the six States last above named was deposited in the Department of State of the United States, and thereafter such compact was, by the President, presented to the Congress, and the Congress gave consent to such compact by H. J. Res. 407, approved August 27, 49 Stat. 939.

50 Stat. 617.

1935 ( P u b l i c Resolution N u m b e r e d 64, S e v e n t y - f o u r t h C o n g r e s s), and which said c o m p a c t w a s the r e after extended and r e n e w e d for a period of t w o year s from September 1, 1937, by a n a g r e e m e n t executed as of the 10th d a y of May 1937 by the representative s of the States of O k l a h o m a, T e x a s, K a n s a s, N e w Mexico, I l l i n o i s, and Colorado, and was deposited i n the Department of State of the United States, and the r e after such extended and renewed c o m p a c t w a s, by the P r e s i d e n t, p r e s e n t e d to the Congress and the Congress gave consent to such extended and renewed c o m p a c t by S. J. R e s. 183, a p p r o v e d August 10, 1937 ( P u b l i c Resolution N u m b e r e d 57, S e v e n t y fifth C o n g r e s s), and which said c o m p a c t w a s the r e after extended and renewed for a period of t w o year s from September 1, 1939, by a n a g r e e m e n t d u l y executed and ratified by the States of O k l a h o m a, T e x a s, K a n s a s, C o l o r a d o, N e w Mexico, and M i c h i g a n, and w a s depos-

ited in the Department of State of the United States, and thereafter such extended and renewed compact was, by the President, presented to the Congress and the Congress gave consent to such extended and renewed compact by H. J. Res. 329, approved July 20, 1939 (Public 53 Stat. 1071.

55 Stat. 666.

57 Stat. 383.

61 Stat. 316.

Resolution N u m b e r e d 3 1, S e v e n t y - s i x t h C o n g r e s s), and which said c o m p a c t w a s the r e after extended and renewed for a period of t w o year s from September 1, 1941, by a n a g r e e m e n t d u l y executed and ratified by the States of T e x a s, O k l a h o m a, K a n s a s, Colorado, N e w Mexico, Illinois, M i c h i g a n, A r k a n s a s, L o u i s i a n a, N e w Y o r k, and

Pennsylvania, and was deposited in the Department of State of the United States, and thereafter such extended and renewed compact was, by the President, presented to Congress and the Congress gave consent to such extended and renewed compact by H. J. Res. 228, approved August 21, 1941 (Public Law 246, Seventy-seventh Congress), and which compact was thereafter extended and renewed for a period of four years from September 1, 1943, by an agreement executed and ratified by representatives of the States of Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Colorado, New Mexico, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Kentucky, and was deposited in the Department of State of the United States and thereafter such extended and renewed compact was, by the President of the United States, presented to Congress and the Congress gave consent to such extended and renewed compact by H. J. Res. 139, approved July 7, 1943 (Public Law 117, Seventyeighth Congress) and thereafter the representatives of the States of Montana, West Virginia, Alabama, Illinois, Michigan, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Florida, Tennessee, and Indiana executed counterparts of said agreement, and said counterparts so executed were deposited in the Department of State of the United States; and which compact was thereafter extended and renewed for a period of four years from the 1st day of September 1947 by an agreement executed and ratified by the representatives of the States of Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Kansas, Louisiana, Montana, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Texas, Tennessee, West Virginia, and Indiana, which was deposited in the Department of State of the United States, and such extended and renewed compact was, by the President of the United States, presented to Congress, and Congress gave its consent to such extended and renewed compact by S. J. Res. 122 (Public Law 184, Eightieth Congress); and thereafter the representatives of the States of Kentucky, Illinois, Mississippi, and Michigan executed counterparts of said agreement, which executed counterparts were deposited in the Department of