Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 65.djvu/249

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65 STAT.]

PUBLIC LAW 134—AUG. 31, 1951



Payments to States (including Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico): For payments to States (including Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico) in accordance with the Vocational Rehabilitation Act, as amended (29 U.S.C. ch. 4), including payments, in accordance with regula- 29 u^s ^c^'^s 31-41 tions of the Administrator, for one-half of necessary expenditures for the acquisition of vending stands or other equipment in accordance with section 3(a)(3)(C) of said Act for the use of blind persons, 29 u^s^c' §33 (a) such stands or other equipment to be controlled by the State agency, (suo. $21,500,000, of which not to exceed $175,000 shall be available to the Federal Security Administrator for providing rehabilitation services to disabled residents of the District of Columbia, as authorized by section 6 of said Act, which latter amount shall be available for ^i Stat. 7 7 ^^ ^ administrative expenses in connection with providing such services in the District of Columbia: Provided, That not to exceed 15 per centum of the appropriation shall be used for administrative purposes. Payments to States (including Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico), next succeeding fiscal year: For making, after May 31 of the current fiscal year, payments to States in accordance with the Vocational Rehabilitation Act, as amended (including the objects specified in the preceding paragraph), for the first quarter of the next succeeding fiscal year such sums as may be necessary, the obligations incurred and the expenditures made thereunder to be charged to the appropriation therefor for that fiscal year: Provided, That the payments made pursuant to this paragraph shall not exceed the amount paid to the States for the first quarter of the current fiscal year. Salaries and expenses: For expenses necessary in carrying out the provisions of the Vocational Rehabilitation Act, as amended, and of the Act approved June 20, 1936 (20 U.S.C. ch. 6A), including not l^tj^^s.'^,^^^^ ^^._ to exceed $3,000 for production, purchase, and distribution of educa- io7f. tional films; $675,620, of which not more than $558,220 shall be available for personal services, PUBLIC



For necessary expenses in carrying out the Public Health Service Act, as amended (42 U.S.C. ch. 6A) (hereinafter referred to as ^^^^^g^^^^ 201 the Act), and other Acts, including (with the exception of the appro- note. priation "Pay, and so forth, commissioned officers. Public Health Service") purchase of reports, documents, and other material for publication; preparation and display of posters and exhibits by contract or otherwise; packing, unpacking, crating, uncrating, drayage, and transportation of personal effects of commissioned officers and transportation of their dependents on change of station; and increased allowances to Reserve officers for foreign service; as follows: Venereal diseases: To carry out the purposes of sections 314(a) and 363 of the Act with respect to venereal diseases including the 266. 42 U.S.C.§§246(a), operation and maintenance of centers for the diagnosis, treatment, support, and clothing of persons afflicted with venereal diseases; transportation and subsistence of such persons and their attendants to and from the place of treatment or allowance in lieu thereof; diagnosis and treatment (including emergency treatment for other illnesses) of such persons through contracts with physicians and hospitals and other appropriate institutions; fees for case finding and referral to such centers of voluntary patients; reasonable expenses of preparing remains or burial of deceased patients; recreational supplies and equipment; leasing of facilities and repair and alteration of leased facilities; the purchase of not to exceed seven passenger motor vehicles for replacement only, and for grants of money, services.