Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 65.djvu/630

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PUBLIC LAW 188—OCT. 22, 1951




Retired judges. 62 Stat. 903.

For salaries of circuit judges; district judges (including judges of the district courts of Alaska, the Virgin Islands, the Panama Canal Zone, and G u a m); and justices and judges retired or resigned under title 28, United States Code, sections 371, 372, and 373; $5,120,000. SALARIES OF CLERKS OF COURTS

For salaries of clerks of United States courts of appeals and United States district courts, their deputies, and other assistants, $4,520,000. P R O B A n O N SYSTEM

62 Stat. 843. Appointment, etc., of probation officers.

Failure to carry out A t to r n e y General's orders.

For salaries of probation officers and their clerical assistants, as authorized by title 18, United States Code, sections 3654 and 3656, $2,180,000: Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be construed to abridge the right of the district judges to appoint probation officers, or to make such orders as may be necessary to govern probation officers in their own courts: Provided further, That no part of this appropriation shall be used to pay the salary or expenses of any probation officer who, in the judgment of the chief or presiding judge certified to the Attorney General, fails to carry out the official orders of the Attorney General with respect to supervising or furnishing information concerning any prisoner released conditionally or on parole from any Federal penal or correctional institution. SALARIES OF CRIERS

62 Stat. 920.

For salaries of criers as authorized by title 28, United States Code, sections 713(a) and 755, $542,300. F E E S OF COMMISSIONERS

62 Stat. 816.

49 Stat. 1327.

For fees of the United States commissioners and other committing magistrates acting under title 18, United States Code, section 3041, including fees and expenses of conciliation commissioners. United States courts, including the objects and subject to the conditions specified for such fees and expenses of conciliation commissioners in the Department of Justice Appropriation Act, 1937, $543,000. FEES OF JURORS

Jury ers.


41 Stat. 558.

For fees, expenses, and costs of jurors; meals and lodging for jurors in Alaska, as provided by section 193, title II, of the Act of June 6, 1900 (31 Stat. 362); and compensation for jury commissioners; $2,800,000: Provided, That the compensation of jury commissioners for the District of Columbia shall conform to the provisions of section 1401, title 11 of the District of Columbia Code. MISCELLANEOUS SALARIES

For salaries of all officials and employees of the Federal judiciary, cie^rkT®**"^' ^"^^ ^^^ ^^^^ otherwise specifically provided for, $2,670,000: Provided, That the compensation of secretaries and law clerks of circuit and district judges shall be fixed by the Director of the Administrative Office 63 Stat. 954. 5 U. S. 0. § 1071 without regard to the Classification Act of 1949, except that the salary note. of a secretary shall conform with that of the General Schedule grades (GS) 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8, as the appointing judge shall determine, and the salary of a law clerk shall conform with that of the General Schedule grades (GS) 5, 7, 9,11, or 12, as the appointing judge shall determine.