Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 65.djvu/670

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PUBLIC LAW 207—OCT. 25, 1951

[65 STAT.

(b) The National Gallery of A r t and its grounds, which shall be held to extend to the line of the face of the south curb of Constitution Avenue Northwest, between Seventh Street Northwest, and F o u r t h Street Northwest, to the line of the face of the west curb of Fourth Street Northwest, between Constitution Avenue Northwest, and Madison Drive Northwest; to the line of the face of the north curb of Madison Drive Northwest, between Fourth Street Northwest, and Seventh Street Northwest; and to the line of the face of the east curb of Seventh Street Northwest, between Madison Drive Northwest, and Constitution Avenue Northwest. Approved October 24, 1951.

Public Law 207



AN ACT October 25, 1961

IH. R. 5329]

To increase the salaries of the Metropolitan Police, the United States Park Police, the White House Police, members of the Fire Department of the District of Columbia, and employees of the Board of Education of the District of Columbia.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the nr^o??c'^fnr'*^^r/«?n United States of America in Congress osemMed, That (a) the annual D. c. employees. Compensation (including basic salary and additional compensation m Policemen an re- j ^ ^ ^ ^^ overtime pay and night pay differential) of each officer and member of the Metropolitan Police, the United States P a r k Police, the White House Police, and the Fire Department of the District of Columbia, as increased by the Act entitled "An Act to provide for an adjustment of salaries of the Metropolitan Police, the United States Park Police, the White House Police, and the members of the Fire Department of the District of Columbia, to conform with the increased D.^a*code §§ 4-803 ^^^^t of living in the District of Columbia", approved July 14, 1945, as to Ao5. amended and by the Act entitled "An Act to increase the compensation of certain employees of the municipal government of the District of 63 Stat. 376. Columbia, and for other purposes", approved June 30, 1949, shall be further increased by 10 per centum, (plus 8 per centum of such 10 per centum as additional compensation in lieu of overtime pay and night pay differential) except that in no case shall such compensation be increased by less than $300 per annum or by more than $800 per annum. The proviso contained in the first sentence of the first section of said Act of June 30, 1949, is hereby repealed; but no officer or members covered by this section shall, by reason of the enactment of this section, be paid with respect to any pay period, basic salary, or basic salary plus additional compensation a t a rate in excess of $11,130 per annum. eiSio?e^^.^"*"'**^°°' (^) (1) Each employee of the Board of Education of the District of Columbia whose salary is fixed and regulated by the District of Columbia Teachers' Salary Act of 1947, except the Superintendent of Schools, shall receive, in addition to the compensation already pro^^61 Stat. 248; 63 Stat, ^ - ^ j ^ ^ ^^ ^^^Y\ Act and by the Act of June 30, 1949, compensation at the rate of 10 per centum of the aggregate compensation provided by such Acts, except that in no case shall the additional compensation provided for in this paragraph be increased by less than $300 per annum or by more than $800 per annum. (2) The basic and maximum salaries for all salary classes in Title I 61 Stat. 248. of the District of Columbia Teachers' Salary Act of 1947, except class 29, are hereby increased by 10 per centum, except that in no case shall any such basic or maximum salary be increased by less than $300 per annum or by more than $800 per annum.