Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 65.djvu/788

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754 Ante, p. 61.

PUBLIC LAW 253—NOV. 1, 1951



the Third Supplemental Appropriation Act, 1951, shall be available for the purchase of medical supplies and equipment. EMERGENCY AGENCIES—GENERAL PROVISIONS

Ante, p. 60.

SEC. 1001. The appropriations and authority provided in chapter X I of the Third Supplemental Appropriation Act, 1951, approved June 2, 1951, under the heading "Expenses of defense production" and "Federal Civil Defense Administration", shall be available from and including April 1, 1951, for the purposes respectively provided in such appropriations and authority. All obligations incurred during the period April 1 to June 1, 1951, inclusive, in anticipation of such appropriations and authority are hereby ratified and confirmed if in accordance with the terms thereof. CHAPTER X I CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES, A U D I T E D CLAIMS, AND JUDGMENTS For payment of claims for damages as settled and determined by departments and agencies in accord with law, audited claims certified to be due by the General Accounting Office, and judgments rendered against the United States by United States district courts and the United States Court of Claims, as set forth in Senate Document Numbered 63 and House Document Numbered 218, Eighty-second Congress, $13,860,400, together with such amounts as may be necessary to pay interest (as and when specified in such judgments or in certain of the settlements of the General Accounting Office or provided by law) and such additional sums due to increases in rates of exchange as may be necessary to pay claims in foreign currency: Provided, That no judgment herein appropriated for shall be paid until it shall have become final and conclusive against the United States by failure of the parties to appeal or otherwise: Provided further, That, unless otherwise specifically required by law or by the judgment, payment of interest wherever appropriated for herein shall not continue for more than thirty days after the date of approval of this Act. SEC. 1102. Applicable current appropriations of the agency concerned shall be available for payment of claims certified by the Comptroller General to be otherwise due, in the amounts stated below, from the following appropriations: DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY

63 Stat. 768. 61 Stat. 387. 61 Stat. 388.

"Pay, subsistence, and transportation of naval personnel", fiscal year 1940, $84.40. "Transportation of things", fiscal year 1948, $34,015.64. "Fuel", fiscal year 1948, $21,082.30. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE LEGAL ACT IV I T I E S AND GENERAL ADMINISTRATION

62 Stat. 316.

"Salaries and expenses of district attorneys, and so forth", fiscal year 1949, $1,324.20. "Salaries and expenses of marshals, and so forth", fiscal year 1946. $986.54.