Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 66.djvu/1285

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SUBJECT Mediation and Conciliation Service, Fed- Page eral. See Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service. Mediation Board, National. See National Mediation Board. Medicine Creek Reservoir, Nebr., designation as Harry Strunk Lake 480 Menominee Indian Reservation, a p p r o priation for recreational director 450 Mental Health Activities, appropriation for 114, 366 Merchant Marine Academy, appropriation for contingencies 413 Merchant Marine Act, 1936: Amendments— Construction-differential subsidy, application 760, 761 Construction reserve fund, establishment; taxation 762 Great Lakes, Saint Lawrence River and Gulf, vessels for use in 764 Definitions of term s 765 Documentation 761 Life expectancy of reconditioned or reconstructed vessels 764 Passenger vessels, nonrecourse loans, first-preferred mortgages 761 Purchase and trade-in of obsolete vessels 761, 762 Salaries of employees, limitation 765 Taxes, o v e r payment 765 Appropriation for effecting provisions. _ 412, 413 Construction reserve funds established under, t i m e extension for use 737 Excess profits tax, credit for deposits—818 Merchant Marine Distinguished Service Medal, presentation to Henrik K u r t Carlsen, authority A32 Mesilla Park, N. Mex., appropriation for addition to Cotton Ginning Branch Laboratory 339 Metal Scrap, suspension of duties and imp o r t taxes, t i m e extension 626 Mexican Border Act, appropriation for effecting provisions 339, 340 Mexican Farm Labor Program: Appropriation for 641 Repeal of limitation on duration of temporary employment 104, 105 Mexican Water Treaty, CoUbran reclamation project, Colo., subject to, and controlled by 326 Mexico: Anzalduas Diversion D a m, r e payment requirement 552 International B o u n d a r y and W a t e r Commission, United States and Mexico, appropriation for 561



Miami, Fla.: Page Inter-American Cultural and Trade Center, cooperation and participation in, proclamation cl9 Marine Corps Air Station, acquisition of land, construction of facilities authorized 610 Michaud Industrial Facilities, N e w Orleans, La., acquisition for conversion, authorized 607 Microfilm, Unperforated, exemption from excise tax 86 Micronesia, Island Trading Co. of, time limit; deposit of funds 458 Migrants, Movement of: Appropriation authorized 147 Appropriation for 653 Military Academy: Appropriation for 520 Construction of facilities authorized 607 Librarian, detail of retired officer as 520 P a y and allowance increase 79, 80 Appropriation for 313 Retirement p a y increase 80 Military Personnel Claims Act of 1945, Amendments: Emergency powers, continuation 58, 96, 137, 296, 334 Settlement of claims for loss of property in military service 321 A vailability of appropriation 323 Military Public Works Appropriation Act, 1953 646 Milk: Ceiling prices 298 Cooperative payments, recovery actions. 306 Milk Laws, appropriation for carrying out provisions 362 Milk River Reclamation Project, Mont., approval of contracts 152 Mills, Wyo., furnishing of sewerage service to United States, limitation 67 Milwaukee County Historical Society, Wis., transfer of Jeremiah Curtin home to 586 Mines, Bureau of. See under Interior, Department of the. Mines and Mining: Federal Coal Mine Safety Act. See separate title. Gold mine or gold placer operations, certain claims for losses due to curtailment, jurisdiction of Court of Claims. 605 Minneapolis, St. Paul International Airport, Minn., acquisition of land, construction of facilities authorized 616