PUBLIC LAW 547-JULY 15, 1952
[66 S T A T.
"Foreign quarantine service", $15,000; "National Institutes of Health, operating expenses", $48,750; "Ketired pay of commissioned officers", $36,000; "Salaries and expenses", $20,250. HOSPITALS AND MEDICAL CARE
For an additional amount for "Hospitals and medical care" $500,000; and this amount shall be exclusively available for payments to the Territory of Hawaii for care and treatment of persons afflicted with leprosy. OFFICE OF THE ADMINISTRATOR SALARIES AND EXPENSES, DEFENSE COMMUNITY FACILITIES AND SERVICES
For an additional amount for "Salaries and expenses. Defense Community Facilities and Services", $50,000, to be derived by transfer from the appropriation "Defense Community Facilities and Services, Federal Security Agency": Provided, That none of the funds made available under this head shall be obligated after December 31, 1952, except for liquidation of the program. CHAPTER VI DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE WATER CONSERVATION AND UTILIZATION PROJECTS
For an additional amount for "Water conservation and utilization projects", $190,000, to remain available until expended. CHAPTER VII DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY RESEARCH I N THE UTILIZATION OF SALINE WATER
Ante, p. 328.
For expenses necessary to carry out provisions of Public Law 448, approved July 3, 1952, authorizing studies of the conversion of saline water for beneficial consumptive uses, $125,000. NATIONAL PARK SERVICE CONSTRUCTION
65 Stat. 260.
For an additional amount for "Construction", $262,500, to remain available until expended: Provided, That restrictions contained wlthiu the Interior Department Appropriation Act, 1952, limiting the amounts which ipay be expended from appropriations to the National P a r k Service for personal services, are hereby waived to the extent necessary to meet the costs of fire suppression and of emergency reconstruction or replacement of facilities damaged or destroyed by fire, flood, storm, or other unavoidable causes.