P U B L I C LAW 5 5 0 - J U L Y 16, 1952
[66 S T A T.
accept and retain him as a student or trainee in any field or branch of knowledge which such institution or establishment finds him qualified to undertake or pursue. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this section, an elegible veteran may not pursue a program of education or training at an educational institution or training establishment which is not located in a State, unless such program is pursued at an approved educational institution of higher learning. The Administrator in his discretion may deny or discontinue the enrollment under this title of any veteran in a foreign educational institution if he finds that such enrollment is not for the best interest of the veteran or the Government. APPLICATIONS; APPROVAL
SEC. 222. Any eligible veteran who desires to initiate a program of education or training under this title shall submit an application to the Administrator which shall be in such form, and contain such information, as the Administrator shall prescribe. The Administrator shall approve such application unless he finds that such veteran is not eligible for or entitled to the education or training applied for or that his program of education or training fails to meet any of the requirements of this title, or that the eligible veteran is already qualified, by reason of previous education and training, for the educational, professional, or vocational objective for which the courses of the program of education or training are offered. The Administrator shall notify the eligible veteran of the approval or disapproval of his application. CHANGE o r PROGRAM
SEC. 223. (a) Subject to the provisions of section 222, each eligible veteran (except an eligible veteran whose program has been interrupted or discontinued due to his own misconduct, his own neglect, or his own lack of application) may, at any time prior to the end of the period during which he is entitled to initiate a program of education or training under this title, make not more than one change of program of education or training. (b) Each eligible veteran, who has not made a change of program of education or training before the expiration of the period during which he is entitled to initiate a program of education or training under this title, may make not more than one change of program of education or training with the approval of the Administrator. The Administrator shall approve such a change if he finds that— (1) the eligible veteran is not making satisfactory progress in his present program and that the failure is not due to his own misconduct, his own neglect, or his own lack of application, and if the program to which the eligible veteran desires to change is more in keeping with his aptitude or previous education and training; or (2) the program to which the eligible veteran desires to change, while not a part of the program currently pursued by him, is a normal progression from such program. AVOCATIONAL AND RECREATIONAL COURSES
S E C 224. (a) The Administrator shall not approve the enrollment of an eligible veteran in any bartending course, dancing course, or personality development course.