Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 67.djvu/103

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PUBLIC LAW 73-JUNE 18, 1953

67 S T A T. ]


Public Law 73

AN ACT Making appropriations for the Treasury and Post Office Departments for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1954, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives United States of America in Congress assembled,

June 18, 1953 [H. R. S 1 7 4 ]

of the


Treasury and P o s t O f f i c e Departments Appropriation Act, 1954.

That the following sums are appropriated, out of any money in the p^JJ^i^^^XTreasury not otherwise appropriated, for the Treasury Department ation Act, 1954. for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1954, namely: OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY SALARIES AND EXPENSES

For necessary expenses in the Office of the Secretary, including the operation and maintenance of the Treasury Building and Annex thereof; and the purchase of uniforms for elevator operators; $2,400,000. BUREAU OF ACCOUNTS



For necessary expenses of the Bureau of Accounts, $1,800,000: Provided, That Federal Reserve banks and branches may be reimbursed for necessary expenses incident to the deposit of taxes in Government depositories. SALARIES A N D EXPENSES, DIVISION OF DISBURSEMENT

For necessary expenses of the Division of Disbursement, $11,000,000. BUREAU OF THE PUBLIC D E B T ADMINISTERING THE PUBLIC DEBT

For necessary expenses connected with any public-debt or currency issues of the United States, $50,000,000 to be expended as the Secretary of the Treasury may direct, and the Secretary is authorized to accept services without compensation: Provided, That Federal Reserve banks and branches may be reimbursed for expenditures as fiscal agents of the United States on account of public-debt transactions for the account of the Secretary of the Treasury: Provided further. That the indefinite appropriation provided by section 10 of the Second Liberty Bond Act, as amended (31 U.S.C. 760), shall not be available for obligation during the current fiscal year. OFFICE OF THE TREASURER SALARIES A N D EXPENSES

For necessary expenses of the Office of the Treasurer, $17,000,000. CONTINGENT EXPENSES, PUBLIC MONEYS

For the collection, safekeeping, transfer, and disbursement of the public money and securities of the United States, $350,000.

40 Stat. 292.