Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 67.djvu/1057

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SUBJECT President of the United States—Con. Page P a k i s t a n, transfer of wheat to 80 Proclamations. See separate title. Protection of, appropriation for 373 Reconstruction Finance Corporation Liquidation Act, authority under. 230-232 Refugee Relief Act of 1953— Appropriation for expenses 426 Designation of agency to m a k e investigations under 405 R e n t Stabilization, Office of, liquidation authority 25 Reorganization plans. See separate title. Reports to — Agriculture, Department of— Cooperative agricultural extension work, nonentitlement of State, Territory, or possession to funds for 85 Imports, need for emergency action with regard to -_ 472 Corregidor B a t a a n Memorial Commission 366 Economic Advisers, Council of, transfer of function to Chairman 644 Foreign Economic Policy, Commission on 474 Intergovernmental Relations, Commission on 146 Judicial and Congressional Salaries, Commission on, findings 486 Small Business Administration 238 State, Department of, Bureau of Security and Consular Affairs, operations under Refugee Relief Act of 1953 407 Weather Control, Advisory Committee on 561 Reports to Congress— Corregidor B a t a a n Memorial Commission 366 M u t u a l security— Military aid in Near East and Africa, determination of 156 Special use of funds, determination of, etc 158 Transfers of funds, determinations of 155 R u b b e r requirements and resources. _ 413 Uniformed Services Contingency Option Act of 1953, operations under 504

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President of the United States—Con. Page Report s to Congress—Continued Weather Control, Advisory Committee on 561 Retirement Policy for Federal Personnel, Committee on. See.separate title. Rubber Producing Facilities Disposal Act of 1953 408 School facilities in Federally affected areas, determination with regard to availability 523 Securities of States, public agencies, etc., authority to purchase 231 Selective Service System, exemption from certain appropriation restrictions, authority 189 Small Business Act of 1953, authority under 233 Trade Agreements E]xtension Act of 1953, authority under 472 Transportation, continuation of emergency powers 18, 115, 131, 244 Turkey,loanof submarines to, authority 471 Uniformed Services Contingency Option Act of 1953, functions under 504 United Nations Palestine Refugee Aid Act of 1950, transfer of functions of Secretary of State to 640 United States Information Agency, authorization to carry out functions of Board of Foreign Service with respect to personnel assigned to 420 Universal Military Training and Service Act. See separate title. White House Office, appropriation for_ 14, 298 Presidio of San Francisco, Calif., rescission of prior military construction authorization 453, 457 Presque Isle Air Force Base, Maine, construction of facilities authorized 446 Price Controls: Study by Small Business Administration, authority 239 Termination date 131 Price Stabilization, Office of, penalty for disclosure of confidential information. 131 Prince William Forest Park, Va., exchange of lands 184 Printing, Joint Committee on: Appropriation for 9, 319 " O u r American Government, " authority for revision nlO