Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 67.djvu/385

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PUBLIC LAW 179-AUG. 1, 1953

nance, operation, repair, and other necessary expenses of facilities for the training and administration of the Air National Guard, including construction of facilities, and additions, extensions, alterations, improvements, and rehabilitation of existing facilities, as authorized by the Act of September 11, 1950 (Public Law 783); maintenance, operation, and modification of aircraft; transportation of things; purchase and hire of passenger motor vehicles; procurement and issue to the Air National Guard of the several States, Territories, and the District of Columbia of supplies, materials, and equipment, as authorized by law; and expenses incident to the maintenance and use of supplies, materials, and equipment, including such as may be furnished from stocks under the control of agencies of the Department of Defense; $147,100,000: Provided, That the number of caretakers authorized to be employed under the provisions of law (32 U. S, C. 42) may be such as is deemed necessary by the Secretary of the Air Force.

64 Stat. 829. 50 USC 881 note. Supplies, e t c.

Caretakers. 39 Stat. 205; 54 Stat. 1134.


For emergencies and military expenses, to be expended on the authority or approval of the Secretary of the Air Force, and such expenses may be accounted for solely on his certificate, $31,000,000. TITLE VI GENERAL PROVISIONS SEC. 601. During the current fiscal year, the Secretary of Defense and the Secretaries of the Air Force, Army, and Navy, respectively, if they should deem it advantageous to the national defense, and if in their opinions, the existing facilities of the Department of Defense are inadequate, are authorized to procure services in accordance with section 15 of the Act of August 2, 1946 (5 U.S.C. 55a), but at rates for individuals not in excess of $50 per day, and to pay in connection therewith travel expenses of individuals, including actual transportation and per diem in lieu of subsistence while traveling from their homes or places of business to official duty station and return as may be authorized by law: Provided, That such contracts may be renewed annually. SEC. 602. Section 3648, Revised Statutes, shall not apply in the case of payments made from appropriations contained in this Act, (1) to payments made in compliance with the laws of foreign countries or their ministerial regulations, (2) to payments for rent in such countries for such periods as may be necessary to accord with local custom, or (3) to payments made for tuition. SEC. 603. During the current fiscal year, provisions of law prohibiting the payment of compensation to, or employment of, any person not a citizen of the United States shall not apply to personnel of the Department of Defense. SEC. 604, Hereafter, appropriations for the Department of Defense otherwise available for travel or transportation which are current on date of relief from duty station of personnel traveling under orders may be charged with all expenses in connection with such travel including transportation of dependents and household effects, regard,less of time of arrival at destination of such persoimel. SEC. 605. Hereafter, appropriations for the Department of Defense available for travel shall not be available for expenses incident to attendance at meetings of technical, scientific, professional, or other similar organizations without the approval of the Secretary of the department concerned, or his designee for the purpose. 27000 O - 53 - 25

Experts o r consultants.

60 Stat. 810.

Advance of publ i c moneys. 31 USC 529.


Personnel t r a veling under orders.
