Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 67.djvu/447

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PUBLIC LAW 20 5-AUG. 7, 1953

(g) Nothing contained in this Act shall be construed to prevent the Commission from securing such additional information from those submitting proposals at any time as the Commission may deem necessary or appropriate to fulfill its responsibilities under this Act. (h) All contracts of sale and instruments in execution thereof shall contain a national security clause having terms, conditions, restrictions and reservations which will assure the prompt availability of the rubber-producing facilities, or facilities of equivalent capacity, for the production of synthetic rubber and the component materials thereof for a period of ten years from the date of the contract. (i) Subject to the conditions prescribed in section 24 of this Act, any contract of sale shall become fully effective upon the expiration of the period for congressional review provided for in section 9 of this Act unless the Congress within such period has disapproved such sale. The transfer of possession of all of the rubber-producing facilities to be sold shall be made as promptly as is practicable after the effective date, in accordance with the terms of the contracts, but in any event within a period terminating sixty days after the expiration of the period for congressional review as provided in section 9(b) of this Act. The failure to complete transfer of possession prior to said termination date shall not give rise to or be the basis of rescission of the contract of sale. (j) Upon termination of the transfer period, as provided in subsection (i) of this section, the operating agency last designated by the President shall make no further sales of synthetic rubber and its component materials except as otherwise provided in this Act. (k) During the period of one year following the termination of the transfer period, the operating agency last designated by the President shall offer for sale to the purchasers of the facilities the synthetic rubber and its component materials held by it at a price determined in accordance with its pricing policy prevailing at the close of the transfer period, in amounts prorated in accordance with the ratio of the capacity of each such facility purchased to the total capacity of all facilities of the same type sold- Any synthetic rubber or component materials not purchased by an eligible purchaser during periodic intervals, as determined by the operating agency, shall be made available to other eligible purchasers on a like equitable basis. Any synthetic rubber or component materials not sold during such one-year period shall thereafter be disposed of in such manner as said agency deems advisable. SEC. 8. (a) Upon the termination of the transfer period, the operating agency last designated by the President, shall, as promptly as possible consistent with sound operating procedures, take out of production and place in adequate standby condition the rubber-producing facilities which shall not have been sold. At any time after the termination of production, such facilities may be transferred without reimbursement or transfer of funds to the General Services Administration and administered in accordance with the provisions of sections 6, 7, and 8 of the National Industrial Reserve Act of 1948, as amended (62 Stat. 1227, 50 U.S.C. 456-458), or to such other agency as the President may designate for administration in such manner as he may direct. In such event (1) no such facility shall thereafter be operated as a rubber-producing facility for the account of, or by, the Government except pursuant to further Act of Congress; (2) no such facility, other than alcohol-butadiene facilities, shall be leased for operation as a rubber-producing facility at any time: Provided, That nothing contained in this Act shall preclude the leasing of alcohol-butadiene facilities for purposes other than the manufacture of alcohol butadiene so long as such leases are in accordance with the provisions of section


National s e c u rity clause.

Entry into effect of sales contracts.

Transfer of posession.

Fac i 1 i t i e s not sold.

62 Stat. 1226. 50 USC 455.

A l c o h o l - butadiene facilities.