Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 67.djvu/591

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67 S T A T. ]

PUBLIC LAW 252-AUG. 12, 1958

York that these practices and conditions must be eliminated to prevent grave injury to the welfare of waterfront laborers and to the people at large and that the elimination of the "shape-iip" and the establishment of a system of employment information centers are necessary to a solution of these public problems, 2. The commission shall establish and maintain one or more employment information centers in each State within the Port of New York district at such locations as it may determine. No person shall, directly or indirectly, hire any person for work as a longshoreman or port watchman within the Port of New York district, except through such particular employment information center or centers as may be prescribed by the commission. No person shall accept any employment as a longshoreman or port watchman within the Port of New York district, except through such an employment information center. At each such employment information center the commission shall keep and exhibit the longshoremen's register and any other records it shall determine to the end that longshoremen and port watchmen shall have the maximum information as to available employment as such at any time within the Port of New York district and to the end that employers shall have an adequate opportunity to fill their requirements of registered longshoremen and port watchmen at all times. 3. Every employer of longshoremen or port watchmen within the Port of New York district shall furnish such information as may be required by the rules and regulations prescribed by the commission with regard to the name of each person hired as a longshoreman or port watchman, the time and place of hiring, the time, place and hours of work, and the compensation therefor. 4. All wage payments to longshoremen or port watchmen for work as such shall be made by check or cash evidenced by a written voucher receipted by the person to whom such cash is paid. The commission may arrange for the provision of facilities for cashing such checks. ARTICLE



1. By concurrent legislation enacted by their respective Legislatures, the two States may provide from time to time for meeting the commission's expenses. Until other provision shall be made, such expense shall be met as authorized in this article. 2. The commission shall annually adopt a budget of its expenses for each year. Each budget shall be submitted to the Governors of the two States and shall take effect as submitted; provided, that either Governor may within thirty days disapprove or reduce any item or items, and the budget shall be adjusted accordingly. 3. After taking into account such funds as may be available to it from reserves. Federal grants or otherwise, the balance of the commission's budgeted expenses shall be assessed upon employers of persons registered or licensed under this compact. Each such employer shall pay to the commission an assessment computed upon the gross payroll payments made by such employer to longshoremen, pier superintendents, hiring agents and port watchmen for work or labor performed within the port of New York district, at a rate, not in excess of two per cent, computed by the commission in the following manner: the commission shall annually estimate the gross payroll payments to be made by employers subject to assessment and shall compute a rate thereon which will yield revenues sufficient to finance the commission's budget for each year. Such budget may include a reasonable amount for a reserve but such amount shall not exceed ten per cent of the total of all other items of expenditure contained