Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 67.djvu/985

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SUBJECT Bridges—Continued Page San Francisco Bay bridges, collection of tolls; use for additional crossings. _ 202 Broadkill River, Del., a b and o n m e n t of part of Federal project providing for entrance channel to Delaware Bay 81 Brooke Army Medical Center, Tex., rescission of prior construction authorization 458 Brookley Air Force Base, Mobile, Ala., acquisition of land, construction of facilities authorized 448 Brooklyn Army Base, N. Y., rescission of prior construction authorization 454, 460 Brunswick, Maine, Naval Air Station: Acquisition of land, construction of facilities authorized 442 Appropriation for construction 428 Bryan Air Force Base, Tex., acquisition of land authorized 447 Budget, Bureau of the: Air carrier payments, transfer of personnel, property, records, and unexpended balances from Post OfRce Department to Civil Aeronautics Board 645 Appropriation for 299 Assistant Directors, positions authorized 299 Deputy Director, change of title 299 Foreign Operations Administration, transfer of personnel, property, records, and unexpended balances to 641 Quarters supplied to Federal employees, r e n t policy; applicability of Circular A - 4 5; amend a to r y authority 437 Reconstruction Finance Corporation Liquidation Act, functions under, _ 231 Reports to Congress, quarters supplied to Federal employees, operations under Circular A-45 437 Tennessee Valley Authority, acquisition of administration building, approval of Director 190 United States Information Agency, transfer of personnel, property, records, and unexpended balances to 643 Budget and Accounting Act, 1921, Amendment, retirement a n n u i t y for Comptroller General 229



Buford-Trenton Project, irrigation sysPa^e tem, funds available for emergency flood protection work, etc 266 Bunker Hill Naval Air Station, Peru, Ind., acquisition of land, construction of facilities authorized 444 Burlington Municipal Airport, Vt., construction of facilities authorized 445 Burma, Assistance to, unexpended balances of mutual-security funds, availability authorized 156 Butter: Imposition of import quotas or fees, proclamations c46, c54 Process or renovated, appropriation for carrying out provisions of designated Acts 208

Cabaniss Field, Tex., P<faval Auxiliary Air Station, construction of facilities authorized 442 California: Air Force, Department of the, conveyance of land by 449 Higher education, consent of Congress to interstate compact by Western States 490 Indians— Freedom from special Federal supervision and control; abolishment of offices of the Bureau of Indian Affairs B 132 State jurisdiction in criminal and civil cases involving 588 Marine school, State, reimbursement for expenses 380 San Francisco Bay bridges, collection of tolls; use for additional crossings- _ 202 Siskiyou County, conveyance of lands to State for use as fairground 26 Wildlife management, appropriation for land acquisition and functions 271 California Debris Commission, funds available for expenses 198 California Institute of Technology, rescission of prior military construction authorization 460 Cambodia, Assistance to: Appropriation authorized 153 Appropriation for 478, 479 Personnel increase after July 1, 1953 157