Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 67.djvu/996

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Congress—Continued United Nations, Congressional statement on Communist Chinese Government membership in Wall maps, printing of copies for use of Senate and House of Representatives Congressional Cemetery, D. C: Appropriation for maintenance of portion owned by United States Exchange of certain burial lots and other property Congressional Library. See Library of Congress. Congressional Record, appropriation for preparation of indexes Connally Hot Oil Act, appropriation for effecting provisions Connecticut: Connecticut River Flood Control Compact, consent of Congress granted to. Connecticut River Valley Flood Control Commission, creation, commissioners, salaries and duties Connecticut River Flood Control Compact, consent of Congress Constitution of the United States, extension to outer Continental Shelf lands _ Containers, temporary free importation,. Continental Shelf: Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act Submerged Lands Act Contracts With United States: Defense contractors, continuation of emergency powers relating to inspection and a u d i t of plants, books, and records Dispute clause, inclusion of appeal provision in Department of Defense contracts First W a r Powers Act, 1941, continuation of contract powers under Gratuities, termination of contracts when offered- _ Military facilities in foreign countries, authority to exempt contracts from certain a u d i t requirements M u t u a l Defense Assistance Act of 1949, limitation on outstanding contract u a l authority under Price differential on contracts to relieve economic dislocations, restriction on payment


Page Contracts With United States—Con. Rubber Producing Facilities Disposal Act of 1953 372 Small Business Act of 1953 War-risk hazards, compensation for injuries or death s resulting from, employees of U. S. contractors o u t B27 side United States Cooperative Bank Commissioner, Office of, abolishment 197 Cooperative Marketing Division, transfer to Agriculture Department A21 Cooperative Research and Service Division, transfer to Agriculture Department 330 Coos Bay Wagon Road Grant Lands, appropriation for 261 Copper, suspension of i m p o r t taxes, t i m e extension Copyright, proclamation with respect to Monaco 45 Copyright Office, appropriation for Coronado National Memorial, Ariz., establishment, proclamation 46 Corpus Christi, Tex., Naval Air Station, construction of facilities authoriz ed 45 Corregidor Bataan Memorial Commission: Creation, etc 462 Report to President 513 Cosmetics. See Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. 462 29 Costa Rica, appropriation for United States obligations Cotton: A creage-allotment and marketing-quota programs, appropriation for formulating 120 Fiber analysis and classification, appropriation for Prices, restriction on prediction by 356 Department of Agriculture employees 132 Staple length, determination for customs purposes 354 Cotton Standards Act, United States, appropriation for effecting provisions. 451 Council of Economic Advisers. See Economic Advisers, Council of. Court of Military Appeals. <See under Defense, Department of. 160 Court Reporters, appropriation for salaries 357 Courts. See United States Courts.

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394 263 4 cl6 329 cl8 442 366 366


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