Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 68A.djvu/468

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the Social Security Act) for the period beginning with the first day

. following the close of the calendar quarter in which such certificate is filed. The period for which a certificate filed pursuant to this subsection or the corresponding subsection of prior law is effective may be terminated by the organization, effective at the end of a calendar quarter, upon giving 2 years' advance notice in writing, but only if, at the time of the receipt of such notice, the certificate has been in effect for a period of not less than 8 years. The notice of termination may be revoked by the organization by giving, prior to the close of the calendar quarter specified in the notice of termination, a written notice of such revocation. Notice of termination or revocation thereof shall be filed in such form and manner, and with such official, as may be prescribed by regulations made under this chapter. (2)







DELEGATE.—If the Secretary or his delegate finds that any organi- zation which filed a certificate pursuant to this subsection or the corresponding subsection of prior law has failed to comply substantially with the requirements applicable with respect to the taxes imposed by this chapter or the corresponding provisions of prior law or is no longer able to comply with the requirements applicable with respect to the taxes imposed by this chapter, the Secretary or his delegate shall give such organization not less than 60 days' advance notice in writing that the period covered by such certificate will terminate at the end of the calendar quarter specified in such notice. Such notice of termination may be revoked by the . Secretary or his delegate by giving, prior to the close of the calendar quarter specified in the notice of termination, written notice of such revocation to the organization. No notice of termination or of revocation thereof shall be given under this paragraph to an organization without the prior concurrence of the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare. (3) No RENEWAL OF WAIVER.—In the event the period covered by a certificate filed pursuant to this subsection or the corresponding subsection of prior law is terminated by the organization, no certificate may again be filed by such organization pursuant to this subsection. SEC. 3122. FEDERAL SERVICE. In the case of the taxes imposed by this chapter with respect to service performed in the employ of the United States or in the employ of any instrumentality which is wholly owned by the United States, the determination whether an individual has performed service which constitutes employment as defined in section 3121(b), the determination of the amount of remuneration for such service which constitutes wages as defined in section 3121(a), and the return and payment of the taxes imposed by this chapter, shall be made by the head of the Federal agency or instrumentality having the control of such service, or by such agents as such head may designate. The person making such return may, for convenience of administration, make payments of the tax imposed under section 3111 with respect to such service without regard to the $3,600 limitation in section 3121(a)(1), and he shall not be required to obtain a refund of the tax paid under section 3111 on that part of the remuneration not included in wages by §3121(k)(l)

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