Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 68A.djvu/506

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(2) If wages are paid with respect to a period which is not a payroll period, the amount to be deducted and withheld shall be that applicable in the case of a miscellaneous payroll period containing a number of days (including Sundays and holidays) equal to the number of days in the period with respect to which such wages are paid. (3) I n any case in which wages are paid by an employer without regard to any payroll period or other period, the amount to be deducted and withheld shall be that applicable in the case of a miscellaneous payroll period containing a number of days equal to the number of days (including Sundays and holidays) which have elapsed since the date of the last payment of such wages by such employer during the calendar year, or the date of commencement of employment with such employer during such year, or January 1 of such year, whichever is the later. (4) I n any case in which the period, or the time described in paragraph (3), in respect of any wages is less than one week, the Secretary or his delegate, under regulations prescribed by him, may authorize an employer to determine the amount to be deducted and withheld under the tables applicable in the case of a weekly payroll period, in which case the aggregate of the wages paid to the employee during the calendar week shall be considered the weekly wages. (5) If the wages exceed the highest wage bracket, in determining the amount to be deducted and withheld under this subsection, the wages may, a t the election of the employer, be computed to the nearest dollar. (d) T A X P A I D BY K E C I P I E N T. — I f the employer, in violation of

the provisions of this chapter, fails to deduct and withhold the tax under this chapter, and thereafter the tax against which such tax may be credited is paid, the tax so required to be deducted and withheld shall not be collected from the employer; but this subsection shall in no case relieve the employer from Hability for any penalties or additions to the tax otherwise appHcable in respect of such failure to deduct and withhold. (e) INCLUDED AND EXCLUDED W A G E S. — If the remuneration, paid by an employer to an employee for services performed during one-half or more of any payroU period of not more than 31 consecutive days constitutes wages, all the remuneration paid by such employer to such employee for such period shall be deemed to be wages j b u t if the remuneration paid by an employer to an employee for services performed during more than one-half of any such payroll period does not constitute wages, then none of the remuneration paid by such employer to such employee for such period shall be deemed to be wages. (f) WITHHOLDING E X E M P T I O N S. —

(1) I N GENEKAL.—An employee receiving wages shall on any day be entitled to the following withholding exemptions: (A) an exemption for himself; (B) one additional exemption for himself if, on the basis of facts existing a t the beginning of such day, there may reasonably be expected to be allowable an exemption under section 151(c)(1) (relating to old age) for the taxable year under subtitle A in respect of which amounts deducted and withheld under this § 3402(c)(2)