Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 68 Part 1.djvu/1039

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[68 Stat. 1007]
[68 Stat. 1007]

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PUBLIC LAW 735-AUG. 31, 1954

be adjudicated by such foreign government in accordance with the laws and regulations of such foreign government, the Secretary of Defense is hereby authorized— (a) to reimburse such foreign government for the agreed pro rata share of such sums as may be expended by such foreign government for the payment of such claims; or (b) to pay to such foreign government an agreed pro rata share of claims arising out of damage to the property of such foreign government, including costs of settlement or arbitration: Provided, That no claim arising out of any action by an enemy of the United States or resulting directly or indirectly from any act by the Armed Forces of the United States, or any member thereof, engaged in combat shall be considered or paid under this Act. SEC. 2. Whenever the terms of an international agreement to which the United States is now or may hereafter be a party provide that certain claims against a foreign government arising out of acts or omissions in the performance of official duty within the territory of the United States of civilian employees of the Armed Forces, or military personnel, of such foreign government, be adjudicated by the United States in accordance with the laws and regulations of the United States subject to an agreed pro rata reimbursement, such claims may be prosecuted against the United States or settled by the United States under then existing laws and regulations as if such acts or omissions were performed by civilian employees of the Armed Forces or military personnel of the United States in the performance of official duty. SEC. 3. Whenever a dispute arises in the consideration, adjustment, settlement, compromise, or adjudication of a claim asserted under section 2 of this Act as to whether or not an act or omission of a civilian employee or military personnel of a foreign country was in the performance of official duty, or as to whether or not the use of any vehicle of the armed forces of such party was authorized, such disputed question or questions shall be decided in accordance with the terms of the international agreement with such foreign country, and such decision shall be final and conclusive. The Secretary of Defense is authorized to pay the United States portion of costs arising in connection with the securing of such a decision as provided by such international agreement. SEC. 4. Any pro rata reimbursement or payment by the United States with respect to a settlement, award, or compromise made pursuant to this Act shall be made by the Secretary of Defense out of appropriations for that purpose, which appropriations are hereby authorized, and such appropriations may be used for the purchase of foreign currencies necessary for any such reimbursement. Approved August 31, 1954. Public Law 735



AN ACT Authorizing the payment of salary to any individual given a recess appointment as Comptroller General of the United States before the beginning of the Eighty-fourth Congress.

August 31, 1954 [S. 386«]

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That notwithstand- G«ier^^*'°^^*' ing section 1761, as amended, of the Revised Statutes, any individual salary of recess appointed by the President to the office of Comptroller General of the appointee* 5 USC 56.