Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 68 Part 1.djvu/1092

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[68 Stat. 1060]
[68 Stat. 1060]


PUBLIC LAW 761-SEPT. 1, 1954 ivv

Ante. p. 1056. Ante, p. 1058.

Ante. p. 1057.





(k) If, prior to January 1, 1956, the agreement with the State of Arizona entered into pursuant to section 218 of the Social Security A.ct is modified pursuant to subsection (d)(3) of such section so as to apply to service performed by employees in positions covered by the Arizona Teachers' Ketirement System the modification may, notwithstanding section 218(f) of the Social Security Act, be made effective with respect to service performed in such positions after an effective date specified in the modification, but in no case may such effective date be earlier than December 31, 1950. For the purposes of any such modification, all employees in positions covered by the Arizona Teachers' Retirement System shall be deemed, notwithstanding the provisions of section 218(d)(6) of such Act, to constitute a separate coverage group. PRESUMED WORK DEDUCTIONS I N CASE OF CERTAIN RETROACTIVE STATE AGREEMENTS

anL " ^.'^i 053' 1055-1059.' ' 1073^107^^' ^°^°' 42 USC 403.

1068*"' ^^' ^°^^'

42 USC 402^_^^ 1079^lo'ss, loss!

Post. p. 1062. Post, p. 1065.

(1)(1) In the case of any services performed prior to 1955 to "^^'^^ich an agreement under section 218 of the Social Security Act Avas made applicable, deductions which— (A) were not imposed under section 203 of such Act with respect to such services performed prior to the date the agreement was agreed to or, if the original agreement was not applicable to such services, performed prior to the date the modification making such agreement applicable to such services was agreed to, and (B) would have been imposed under such section 203 had such agreement, or modification, as the case may be, been agreed to on the date it became effective, shall be deemed to have been imposed, but only for purposes of sec^^^^ ^^^ (^) (^) ( ^) ^^ section 215(f)(4)(A) of such Act as in effect prior to the enactment of this Act. An individual with respect to whose services the preceding sentence is applicable, or in the case of his death, his survivors entitled to monthly benefits under section 202 of the Social Security Act on the basis of his wages and selfemployment income, shall be entitled to a recomputation of his primary insurance amount under such section 215(f)(2)(A) or section 215(f)(4)(A), as the case may be, if the conditions specified therein are met and if, with respect to a recomputation under such section 215(f)(2)(A), such individual files the application referred to in such section after August 1954 and prior to January 1956 or, with respect to a recomputation under such section 215(f)(4)(A), such individual died prior to January 1956 and any of such survivors entitled to monthly benefits files an application, in addition to the application filed for such monthly benefits, for a recomputation under such section 215(f)(4)(A). (2) For purposes of a recomputation made by reason of paragraph (1) of this subsection, the primary insurance amount of the individual who performed the services referred to in such paragraph shall be computed under subsection (a)(2) of section 215 of the Social Security Act, as amended by this Act (but, for such purposes, without application of subsection (d)(4) of such section, as in effect prior to the enactment of this Act or as amended by this Act) and as though he became entitled to old-age insurance benefits in whichever of the following months yields the highest primary insurance amount: (A) the month following the last month for which deductions are deemed, pursuant to paragraph (1) of this subsection, to have been made: or