Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 68 Part 1.djvu/1099

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[68 Stat. 1067]
[68 Stat. 1067]

68 S T A T. ]

PUBLIC LAW 761-SEPT. 1, 1954

" (iii) whose primary insurance amount was recomputed as provided in the first sentence of paragraph (2)(B) of this subsection on the basis of an application filed after August, 1954, the Secretary shall recompute his primary insurance amount if such application is filed after the year in which he became entitled to oldage insurance benefits or in which he filed his application for the last recomputation (to which he was entitled) of his primary insurance amount under any provision of law referred to in clause (ii) or (iii) of this sentence, whichever is the later. Such recomputation under this subparagraph shall be made in the manner provided in the preceding subsections of this section for computation of his primary insurance amount, except that his closing date for purposes of subsection (b) shall be the first day of the year following the year in which he became entitled to old-age insurance benefits or in which he filed his application for the last recomputation (to which he was entitled) of his primary insurance amount under any provision of law referred to in clause (ii) or (iii) of the preceding sentence, whichever is the later. Such recomputation under this subparagraph shall be effective for and after the first month for which his last previous computation of his primary insurance amount was effective, but in no event for any month prior to the twenty-fourth month before the month in which the application for such recomputation is filed. " (B) In the case of an individual who dies after August 1954— "(i) who, at the time of death, was not entitled to old-age insurance benefits under section 202(a), or who became entitled to old-age insurance benefits under section 202(a) after August 1954, or whose primary insurance amount was recomputed under paragraph (2) or (4) of this subsection, or section 102(e)(5) or section 102(f)(2)(B) of the Social Security Amendments of 1954, on the basis of an application filed after August 1954; and "(ii) with respect to whom the last previous computation or recomputation of his primary insurance amount was based upon a closing date determined under subparagraph (A) or (B) of subsection (b)(3) of this section, the Secretary shall recompute his primary insurance amount upon the filing of an application by a person entitled to monthly benefits or a lump-sum death payment on the basis of his wages and self-employment income. Such recomputation shall be made in the manner provided in the preceding subsections of this section for computation of such amount, except that his closing date for purposes of subsection (b) shall be the day following the year of death in case he died without becoming entitled to old-age insurance benefits, or, in case he was entitled to old-age insurance benefits, the day following the year in which was filed the application for the last previous computation of his primary insurance amount or in which the individual died, whichever first occurred. In the case of monthly benefits, such recomputation shall be effective for and after the month in which the person entitled to such monthly benefits became so entitled, but in no event for any month prior to the twenty-fourth month before the month in which the application for such recomputation is filed." (B) Such section 215(f)(3) is further amended by adding after subparagraph (B) (added by subparagraph (A) of this paragraph) the following new subparagraph: " (C) If an individual's closing date is determined under paragraph (3)(A) of subsection (b) of this section and he has self-employment income in a taxable year which begins prior to such closing date and ends after the last day of the month preceding the month in which he became entitled to old-age insurance benefits, the Secretary shall recompute his primary insurance amount after the close of such taxable year.


R e c o m putation of primary insurance amount.

42 USC 402.

Post, 1071.

pp. 1068,

Ante, p. 1063.

Ante, p. 1063.