Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 68 Part 1.djvu/1185

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[68 Stat. 1153]
[68 Stat. 1153]

68 S T A T. ]

PUBLIC LAW 77a-SEPT. 3, 1954

SEC. 211. Except for the Coast Guard Keserve, the grades authorized for Reserve officers of an Armed Force, including those heretofore or hereafter transferred to the Retired Reserve, shall be the permanent grades authorized for officers of the Regular component of that Armed Force pursuant to the Officer Personnel Act of 1947, as amended. The grades authorized for Reserve officers of the Coast Guard shall be as provided in title 14, United States Code, section 754. SEC. 212. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, a Reserve officer while he is assigned to the Selective Service System may be retained in an active status in such assignment until he becomes sixty years of age. TITLE III — THE R E S E R V E C O M P O N E N T S O F THE ARMY SUBTITLE A—GENERAL APPLICABILITY

SEC. 301. This title applies only to Reserve officers of the Army. DEFINITIONS

SEC. 302. As used in this title— (a) "Secretary" means the Secretary of the Army. (b) "Convening officer" means the person authorized to convene a selection board. (c) "Unit" means a unit of a reserve component of the Army organized for the purpose of serving as such. (d) "Unit officer" means an officer in an active status assigned to a unit. (e) "Nonunit officer" means an officer in an active status not assigned to a unit. (f) "Promotion service" means the aggregate of the following: (1) any period an officer has held a permanent appointment in his current grade in the Army while in an active status or on the active list of the Regular Army; (2) for the first promotion under this title of an officer in an active status on January 1, 1953, who has not been promoted in grade since September 2, 1945, any period served on active duty in the Army in a temporary grade equal to or higher than his current grade; and (3) any period credited under section 305(b). No period may be counted twice as promotion service. For a person credited with service for initial appointment under sections 201 or 305 (c), no period prior to'appointment may be counted under (1) or (2) as promotion service. (g) "Total years of service" means the greater of either— (1) the total periods for which the officer; (a) has held an appointment as a commissioned officer in any component of the Armed Forces of the United States or held a temporary appointment in the Army of the United States without component; (b) prior to June 15, 1933, has held an appointment as a commissioned officer in the federally recognized National Guard or a federally recognized commissioned status in the National Guard; (c) has been credited under sections 201 or 305 (c); or (2) the period of time by which the age of the officer exceeds twenty-five years. No period may be counted twice in computing total years of service. For a person credited with service for initial appointment under

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1153 G r a d e s of Reserve officers.

61 Stat. 795. 34 USC 3a note. 63 Stat. 551. Selective Service System.