Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 68 Part 1.djvu/125

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13, 1954


1. There is hereby created, subject to the direction and supervision of the President, or the head of such agency as he may designate, a body corporate to be known as the Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "Corporation"). SECTION


SEC. 2. (a) The management of the Corporation shall be vested in an Administrator who shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, and who shall receive compensation at the rate of $17,500 per annum. (b) To assist the Administrator in the execution of the functions vested in the Corporation there shall be a Deputy Administrator who shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, and who shall receive compensation at the rate of $16,000 per annum. The Deputy Administrator shall perform such duties as the Administrator may from time to time designate, and shall be acting Administrator and perform the functions of the Administrator during the absence or disability of the Administrator or in the event of a vacancy in the Office of the Administrator. (c) There is hereby established the Advisory Board of the Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation, which shall be composed of five members appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, not more than three of whom shall belong to the same political party. The Advisory Board shall meet at the call of the Administrator, who shall require it to meet not less often than once each ninety days; shall review the general policies of the Corporation, including its policies in connection with design and construction of facilities and the establishment of rules of measurement for vessels and cargo and rates of charges or tolls; and shall advise the Administrator with respect thereto. Members of the Advisory Board shall receive for their services as members compensation of not to exceed $50 per diem when actually engaged in the performance of their duties, together with their necessary traveling expenses while going to and coming from meetings. F U N C T I O N S OF CORPORATION

SEC. 3. (a) The Corporation is authorized and directed to construct, in United States territory, deep-water navigation works substantially in accordance with the "Controlled single stage project, 238-242" (with a controlling depth of twenty-seven feet in channels and canals and locks at least eight hundred feet long, eighty feet wide, and thirty feet over the sills), designated as "works solely for navigation" in the joint report dated January 3, 1941, of the Canadian Temporary Great Lakes-Saint Lawrence Basin Committee and the United States Saint Lawrence Advisory Committee, in the International Kapids section of the Saint Lawrence River together with necessary dredging in the Thousand Islands section; and to operate and maintain such works in coordination with the Saint Lawrence Seaway Authority of Canada, created by chapter 24 of the acts of the fifth session of the Twentyfirst Parliament of Canada 15-16, George VI (assented to December 21, 1951): Provided, That the Corporation shall not proceed with the aforesaid construction unless and until— (1) the Saint Lawrence Seaway Authority of Canada provides assurances satisfactory to the Corporation that it will complete the Canadian portions of the navigation works authorized by