Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 68 Part 1.djvu/1341

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[68 Stat. XXVII]
[68 Stat. XXVII]




Cott on—Cont i nue d P»se Crimes and Criminal P r o c e d u r e, Title 18, Pas« C o t to n ginning laboratory in SouthUnited States C o d e — C o n t i n u e d east, funds available for construcG o v e r n m e n t officers and employees— tion and acquisition 304 Continued N o n a p p l i c a b i l i t y of conflict-ofPrice support levels 899 interests statutes to — C o n t i n u e d Prices, restriction on prediction by DeInternational Development Advip a r t m e n t of Agriculture employees. 318 sory Board 859 Statistics, collection and publication. _ 1016 Cottonseed Oil, commodity set-aside in International North Pacific Fishconnection with price support operaeries Commission or Advisory tions 897 Committee698 Council of Economic Advisers. See International Organizations E m Economic Advisers, Council of. ployees Loyalty Board, Civil Court of Military Appeals. See under Service Commission 279 Defense, Department of. M u t u a l security program, experts Courts, See United States C o u r t s. or consultants 859 Coushatta and Alabama Tribes of Texas, Naval Research Advisory Comtermination of Federal supervision. _ 768 mittee 1229 Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge, Tariff Commission, temporary emappropriation for operation of indusployment of experts and contrial properties 370 sultants 1137 Craig Air Force Base, Selma, Ala., conHarboring or concealing persons from struction of facilities authorized 553 arrest, penalty 747 Credit Unions: Highway projects, false statement s, e t c. 70 District of Columbia Credit Unions Act, Housing, false advertising or misuse of amendments, transfer of supervinames to indicate Federal agency.. 609 sion; fees and license 682 I m m u n i t y of witnesses compelled to testify after claiming privilege Federal Credit Union Act, amend against self-incrimination 745 ments— Authority of officers to administer Menominee Indian Reservation, State oaths and t a k e affidavits 336 jurisdiction 795 Interest refunds, authority for 335 SmugglingForfeiture of value of smuggled merSurety bonds 792 chandise 1141 Crescent Lake D a m Project, Oreg., funds Penalties 782 available for emergency rehabilitaS t a t u t e of limitations, offenses not tion 365 capital 1145 Crime Statistics, collection 1018 Vessels carrying explosives and steerage Crimes and Criminal P r o c e d u r e, Title 18, passengers, lien and libel 1239 United States C o d e: Bail jumping, penalty 747 Crimes and M i s d e m e a n o r s. See also Crimes and Criminal Procedure, Title Espionage and Sabotage Act of 1954 1216 18, United States Code. Federal Bureau of Investigation, misuse Aliens, deportable, penalty for violation of n a m e 867 of regulations, etc 1232 Fireworks, transportation into State American Legion National Convention prohibiting sale or use 170 of 1954, penalty for violations of Government officers and employees— regulations 744 Authority of Attorney General and Atomic Energy Act of 1954, penalty for Federal Bureau of Investigation violations 958 to investigate offenses by 998 Census, penalty for violations by emN o n a p p l i c a b i l i t y of conflict-ofployees or refusal to answer quesinterests statutes to — tions, etc 1022-1024 Atomic Energy Commission, P a t e n t Citizenship requirements, U. S. emCompensation Board and Genployees, false affidavit, penalty 828 eral Advisory Committee Communications Act of 1934, penalties members 947, 951 for offenses under 30 Defense, Office of Defense MobiliDistrict of Columbia— zation, Central Intelligence, Condemnation of insanitary builda n d National Security Council ings, penalty for violation of advisory committees 1228 regulations for 889