Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 68 Part 1.djvu/1374

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[68 Stat. LX]
[68 Stat. LX]




Interior, Department of the — C o n t i n u e d ^*** Internal Revenue Code of 1939—Con. ^^^^ Territories, Office of—Continued Section 2553(b)(1), amendment 1002 Alaska. See separate title. Section 2554, amendment 1001 Alaska Railroad. See separate title. Section 2556(a), amendment 1002 Appropriation for 89, 372 Section 2700(a), amendment 42 T r u s t Territory of the Pacific Islands. Section 2800(a), amendments 45 See separate title. Section 3030(a), amendments 45 Theodore Roosevelt Island, authority Section 3150(a), amendment 45 for construction of structure for Section 3224(b)(5), amendment 1002 access to Small Island 962 Section 3250(1)(5), amendment 46 Tucson, Ariz., land exchange 26 Section 3268(a), amendment 42 Veterans Administration, allotments Section 3350(c), addition 508 and transfers of funds from, authorSection 3403, amendments 45, 46 ization 290 Section 3405, amendment 40 Vicksburg, Miss., conveyance of land Section 3406(a), amendments 39, 40 to 793 Section 3408(a), amendment 40 Virgin Islands. See separate title. Section 3409(a), amendment 40 Virgin Islands Corporation. See sepSection 3412, amendments 44, 45, 46 arate title. Section 3413, amendment 40 Warehouses, garages, etc., appropriation Section 3416, addition 40 for operation 374 Section 3424, amendment 731 Section 3443(a), amendments 44 Water, saline, appropriation for utilization research 361 Section 3465(a), amendments 41 Watershed Protection and Flood PreInternal Revenue Code of 1954: vention Act 666 [NOTE: The 1954 revision of the Internal Revenue Code, Public Law 591, is published as Volume C8A, White pine blister rust control, funds United States Statutes at Large.] available 308 Section 176, addition 1096 Wisconsin land titles, issuance of p a t e n t s Section 1401, amendments 1090, 1093 for certain lands bordering rivers Section 1402, amendments 1087-1089 and lakes 789 Section 3101, amendment 1094 Internal Revenue Code of 1939: Section 3102(a), amendment 1093 [NOTE: The 1954 revision of the Internal Revenue Code, Public Law 591, is published as Volume 68A, Section 3111, amendment 1094 United States Statutes at Large.] Section 3121, amendments 1091, 1092, 1093, 1094 Chapter 20, heading amendment 45 Section 3122, amendments 1090 Section 1500, amendment 1040 Section 3201, amendment 1040 1040 Section 1501, amendment 1040 Section 3202(a), amendment 1040 Section 1510, amendment 1040 Section 3211, amendment 1040 Section 1520, amendment Section 3221, amendment 1040 1040 Section 1532, amendment 672 Section 3231(e)(1), amendment 1040 Section 1601(c), amendment Section 3303(a), amendment 1130 673 Section 1603(a)(4), amendment Section 3305(e), repeal 1135 1135 Section 1606(e), amendment Section 3306, amendments 1130, 1135 673 Section 1607(f), amendment Section 4704(b)(1), amendment 1004 Section 1607(m), amendment 1135 Section 4705, amendment 1003 42 Section 1650, amendment Section 4724(b)(5), amendment 1004 Section 1651(a), amendment 37 Section 4773, amendment 1004 Section 1656, amendment 46 Section 6152(a)(3), repeal 1130 42 Section 1657(a), amendment Section 6413(c), amendments 1089, 1090 Section 1658, repeal 42 42 Internal Revenue Service. See under Section 1659, amendment Treasury Department. Section 1700, amendments 37,38 Section 1701, amendments 3 8, 3 9 Internal Revenue Taxation, Joint Committee on, appropriation for 402 Section 1710(a), amendments 39 Section 1850(a), amendment 42 Internal Security Act of 1950, Amendment, registration of printing equipSection 2000, amendments 45,46 ment 586 Section 2450, amendment 44 Section 2452(a), amendment 44 International Agreements: Atomic energy, international cooperaSection 2453, amendment 45 tion with regard to 939 Section 2456, addition 45