Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 68 Part 1.djvu/1400

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[68 Stat. LXXXVI]
[68 Stat. LXXXVI]



Public Lands—Continued ^*^® Small tracts, lease or sale for home and other sites 239 Veterans' preferred rights of application, time extension 254 Timber on lands in reservoir areas, cuting by licensees 1267 Town lots, conformity in size to local standards 792 Public Printer. See Government Printing Office. Public Roads, Bureau of. See under Commerce, Department of. Public Works: Alaska, appropriation for 372 Alaska Public Works Act, t i m e extension 483 Armed Forces, construction of productive facilities, continuation of authority 531 District of Columbia Public Works Act of 1954 101 Military and n a v a l installations, construction a t — Appropriation authorized 561, 1125 Appropriation for 819, 820 Authorization 535, 1119 United States Military Academy, rehabilitation of cadet barracks 257 Public agency loans, authority of Housing and H o m e Finance Agency; revolving fund 643 Reserve of planned public works. Federal aid for 641 Appropriation for 817 Puerto Rico: Agricultural experiment stations, appropriation for 305 Agricultural extension work, appropriation for 306 Air Force, Department of the, conveyance of certain land a t San J u a n to Commonwealth 560 Airports, funds available for Federal-aid airport program 806 Army, Department of the, land exchange 49 District judges— Salary after leaving office 13 Tenure and residence 12 Military and n a v a l installations and facilities, construction authorized._ 559 Model Housing Board, repeal of provision creating 336 Unemployment compensation for Federal employees 1132 Vocational Rehabilitation Act, payments in accordance with 440

INDEX Pumicite, removal from K a t m a i National 'P^ee Monument, Alaska, to aid in development of building materials 53 Purnell Act, appropriation for effecting provisions 305 Q Quantico, Va., Marine Corps Schools, construction of facilities authorized..541, 1122 Quarantine Service, appropriation for 442 Quonset Point, R. I., Naval Air Station, construction of facilities authorized. _ 540 R Racing Vessels or Craft, deferment of bond for temporary importation 914 Radio Advisory Committee, Interdepartmental, funds available 273 Radio Facilities, tax 41 Radio Regulations. See Communications. Railroad Adjustment Board, National, appropriation for 446 Railroad Retirement Act of 1937, Amendments: Child's benefits, repeal of school attendance requirement 1039 Delegates to railway labor conventions. 1038 Disability a n n u i t a n t s, work clause 1038 Disabled children over 18, benefits for. 1039 Double annuities, elimination of restriction on receipt of survivor and retirement annuities 1039 Dual benefits under railroad-retirement and social-security systems, repeal of restriction 250 Earnings base for c o m p u t a t i o n of annuities, increase; exclusion of earnings after 65 1038, 1039 Social Security Amendments of 1954, amendments under 1081, 1097 Survivors' l u m p sum benefits 1039 Waiver of annuities and pensions 1040 Widows, widowers, and parents, annuities at age 6 0... 1039 Railroad Retirement Board: Appropriation Act 446 General provisions. Appropriation Act. 447 Overthrow of United States Government, restriction on employment of persons advocating 447 Personnel work, restriction on employees 447 Publicity or propaganda, restriction on use of funds for 447 Strikes against United States Government, restriction on employment of persons engaging in 447