Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 68 Part 1.djvu/1406

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[68 Stat. XCII]
[68 Stat. XCII]




Selective Training and Service Act of 1940: ^»«* Senate—Continued Destruction of records, funds for 287 Appropriations Committee, reports to — Continued R e employment assistance, funds for 434 Atomic Energy Commission, transfers Self-Employment Contributions Act of 1954. See Internal Revenw, Code of of appropriations 1954, Volume 68A, United States StatCommerce, Department of. Bureau of utes at Large. Public Roads, allocation of exSelfridge Air Force Base, Mount Clemens, penditures for Inter-American Mich., construction of facilities auHighway thorized 550 Commission on Governmental Use of Selma Municipal Airport, Ala., construcInternational Telecommunication of facilities authorized 554 tions, fiscal transactions Senate. See also Congress; Legislative Defense Department — Branch of the Government. Contract authorizations, disconAdministrative assistants to Senators, tinuance of report appropriation for 397 Contracts outstanding on June 30, Agriculture and Forestry, Committee 1954 on, reports to — Disbursement of appropriation for Dairy products used by veterans ' contingencies hospitals and Armed Forces 900 M u t u a l security program, funds Watershed improvements, approval allocated, etc requirement 666 Properties, supplies, etc., received Appointments with consent of— from foreign countries Armed Forces, w a r r a n t officers 159 Scrap or salvage materials, proAtomic Energy Commission— ceeds from sales Members. 924 General Services Administration, surMilitary Liaison Committee chairveys of Government records, man 926 disposal practices, etc Census, Director of the 1014 Local currency use 850, Commerce, Assistant Secretary of, M u t u a l security program — additional 430 Defense Department, additional AsDefense, Department of, funds alsistant Secretaries for the Army, located, etc Navy, and Air Force 649 Engineering fees E x p o r t - I m p o r t Bank of Washington, Obligation of funds of Federal agenPresident, First Vice President, cies and Board of Directors 677 Post Office Department, t r a n s p o r t a Foreign Claims Settlement Commission changes sion of the United States 1279 President of the United States — Judges, additional circuit and district8 International affairs, expenditures Naval officers, affirmation of tempofor rary appointments 256 Southeast Asia and Western PaN o r t h Atlantic T r e a t y Organization, cific, waiver of agreement reUnited States p e r m a n e n t reprequirement under M u t u a l Sesentative 845 curity Act Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Tennessee Valley Authority, acquisiCorporation, Administrator, D e p tion of administrative building, u t y Administrator, and Advisory Budget Bureau a p p r o v a l Board 93 Armed Services Committee, reports to — Treasury Department — Army, Navy, and Air Force, D e part Assistant Secretary, additional 496 ments of the, real estate o p t i o n s. Under Secretary for Monetary Defense, Department of— Affairs 496 Contract authorizations, disconVirgin Islands, Governor, Judge, and tinuance of U. S. Attorney 503, 506, 507 Family housing for military perAppropriation for 24, 83, 396, 801 sonnel, cost, number, location, Appropriations Committee, reports to — etc Alien Property, Office of, expenses inOfficer Grade Limitation Act of 1954, curred in connection with activireports under ties 421





967 356 338 1225 355 352

816 1223

1225 1223 830 148






1126 70