Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 68 Part 1.djvu/141

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68 S T A T. ]


PUBLIC LAW 364-MAY 18, 1964

SEC. 215. Nothing herein contained shall prohibit the use of funds deposited to the credit of the D. C. Sanitary Sewaji:e Works Fund from being used for the construction, expansion, relocation, replacement, or renovation of any sewer in the combined sewer system of the District, but the Commissioners, prior to authorizing the use of moneys from such fund for such work, shall determine the percentage of the cost to be borne by the D. C. Sanitary Sewage Works Fund and the percentage to be borne by the General Fund. SEC. 216. The loans authorized by this title shall be advanced to the Commissioners on their requisitions therefor, shall be available to the Commissioners for the construction, expansion, relocation, replacement, or renoA^ation of all parts of the sanitary sewage works of the District, and shall be available until expended. SEC. 217. Any loan advanced under this title shall be repaid to the Secretary of the Treasury in substantially equal annual payments, including principal and interest, within a period of thirty years beginning on July 1 of the second fiscal year following the date on which each such advance is credited to the D. C. Sanitary Sewage Works F u n d: Provided, That the Commissioners may, in their discretion, make repayments in larger amounts at any time during the life of any such loan. Interest on such loans shall begin to accrue as of the dates the respective advancements are credited to the D. C. Sanitary Sewage Works Fund. SEC. 218. Loans advanced pursuant to this title during any sixmonth period (beginning with the six-month period ending December 31, 1954) shall be at a rate of interest determined by the Secretary of the Treasury as of the beginning of such period, which, in his judgment, would reflect the cost of money to the Treasury for borrowings at a maturity approximately equal to one-half of the period of time the loan is outstanding. SEC. 219. The provisions of sections 2(16 to 211, inclusive, of this title shall become effective on the first day of the third month following the enactment of this Act.

Use of funds.


Loan repayment.


Effective date.

TITLE III—ASSESSMENTS FOR WATER MAINS AND SEWERS SEC. 301. That so much of the first sentence of section 2 of the Act entitled "An Act authorizing the laying of water mains and service sewers in the District of Columbia, the levying of assessments therefor, and for other purposes", approved April 22, 1904 (33 Stat. 244), as amended (sec. 43-1511, D. C. Code, 1951 edition), as precedes the first proviso of the said sentence is amended to read as follows: "That for laying or constructing water mains in the District of Columbia assessments shall be levied at the rate of $3 pel* linear front foot against all lots or land abutting upon that part of the street, avenue, road, or alley in which a water main shall be laid, and that for laying or constructing service sewers in the District of Columbia assessments shall be levied at the rate of $4 per linear front foot against all lots or land abutting upon that part of the street, avenue, road, or alley in which a sewer shall be laid:. SEC. 302. The provisions of this title shall be applicable to water mains and service sewers completed after June 30, 1954, or after the date of approval of this Act, whichever is later.

Effective date*