Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 68 Part 1.djvu/307

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PUBLIC LAW 4 2 8 - J U N E 24, 1954

insurance of official motor vehicles in foreign countries when required by law of such countries; $775,000: Provided, That where station allowance has been authorized by the Department of the Army for officers of the Army serving the Army at certain foreign stations, the same allowance shall be authorized for officers of the Armed Forces assigned to the Commission while serving at the same foreign stations, and this appropriation is hereby made available for the payment of such allowance: Provided further, That when traveling on business of the Commission, officers of the Armed Forces serving as members or as secretary of the Commission may be reimbursed for expenses as provided for civilian members of the Commission: Provided further, That the Commission may reimburse other Government agencies, including the Armed Forces, for salary, pay, and allowances of personnel assigned to it. Construction of memorials and cemeteries: For expenses necessary for the permanent design and construction of memorials and cemeteries in foreign countries as authorized by the Act of June 26, 194G (36 U.S.C. 121, 123-182, 138b), and the Act of August 5, 1947 (50 U.S.C. App. 1819), including purchase of one passenger motor vehicle for replacement only, and not to exceed $41,276 for expenses of travel, $3,500,000, to remain available until expended: Provided, That the Commission is hereby authorized to erect such works of architecture and art in the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific as may be determined by the Commission with the consent of the Secretary of the Army: Provided further, That the Commission may reimburse other Government agencies, including the Armed Forces, for salary, pay, and allowances of personnel assigned to it.

275 S t a t i o n allow-ance>


60 Stat. 317. 61 Stat. 779. National Memor i a l Cemetery o f the P a c i f i c.

A TO M I C E N E R G Y COMMISSION Operating expenses: For necessary operating expenses of the Commission in carrying out the purposes of the Atomic Energy Act of 1946, including the employment of aliens; rental in or near the District of Columbia only if no suitable Government-owned space is available in such area as determined by the General Services Administration; services authorized by section 15 of the Act of August 2, 1946 (5 U.S.C. 55a); maintenance and operation of aircraft; publication and dissemination of atomic information; purchase, repair, and cleaning of uniforms; purchase of newspapers and periodicals (not to exceed $5,000); official entertainment expenses (not to exceed $5,000); not to exceed $2,564,130 for expenses of travel; reimbursement of the General Services Administration for security guard services; not to exceed $37,232,900 for personal services; and hire of passenger motor vehicles; $1,098,962,300, together with the unexpended balances, as of June 30, 1954, of prior year appropriations made available under this head to the Atomic Energy Commission: Provided, That of such amounts $100,000 may be expended for objects of a confidential nature and in any such case the certificate of the Commission as to the amount of the expenditure and that it is deemed inadvisable to specify the nature thereof shall be deemed a sufficient voucher for the sum therein expressed to have been expended: Provided further. That from this appropriation transfers of sums may be made to other agencies of the Government for the performance of the work for which this appropriation is made, and in such cases the sums so transferred may be merged with the appropriation to which transferred: Provided further. That no part of this appropriation shall be used to pay the salary of any officer or employee (except such officers and employees whose compensation is fixed by law, and scien-

60 Stat. 775. 42 USC 1801 note.

60 Stat. 810.

Transfer funds.


Salary restriction.