Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 68 Part 1.djvu/373

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68 S T A T. ]

PUBLIC LAW 4 5 8 - J U N E 30, 1954


Army personnel on active duty, for Army National Guard division, regimental, and battalion commanders while inspecting units in compliance with National Guard regulations when specifically authorized by the Chief, National Guard Bureau; supplying and equipping the Army National Guard of the several States, Territories, and the District of Columbia, as authorized by law; and expenses of repair, modification, maintenance, and issue of supplies and equipment (including aircraft); $218,530,000: Provided, That in addition, the Secretary of the Army may transfer not to exceed $25,000,000 to this appropriation from the appropriation "Procurement and Production, Army ": Provided further, That obligations may be incurred under this appropriation for installation, maintenance, and operation of facilities for antiaircraft defense without regard to section 67 of the National W ^\^^ ^2x', 22, Defense Act. 49. RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT

For expenses necessary for basic and applied scientific research and development, including maintenance, rehabilitation, lease and operation of facilities and equipment, as authorized by law, $345,000,000, to remain available until expended. NATIONAL BOARD FOR THE PROMOTION or R I F L E PRACTICE, ARMY

For necessary expenses of construction, equipment and maintenance of rifle ranges, the instruction of citizens in marksmanship, and promotion of rifle practice, in accordance with law, including travel of rifle teams, military personnel, and individuals attending regional, national, and international competitions, and not to exceed $18,000 for incidental expenses of the National Board, $100,000: Provided. That travel expenses of civilian members of the National Board shall be paid in accordance with the Standardized Government Travel Regulations, as amended. ALASKA COMMUNICATION SYSTEM OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE

For expenses necessary for the operation, maintenance, and improvement of the Alaska Communication System, including purchase (not to exceed two for replacement only) and hire of passenger motor vehicles, $4,235,000, to remain available until the close of the fiscal year 1956, and, in addition, not to exceed 15 per centum of the current fiscal year receipts of the Alaska Communication System may be merged with and used for the purposes of this appropriation. REDUCTIONS I N APPROPRIATIONS PROCUREMENT AND PRODUCTION

The sum of $500,000,000 of funds heretofore appropriated under this head is hereby rescinded, such sum to be covered into the Treasury immediately upon approval of this Act. ARMY STOCK FUND

The amount available in the Army Stock F u n d is hereby reduced by $300,000,000, such sum to be covered into the Treasury immediately upon approval of this Act.

Travel expenses.