Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 68 Part 1.djvu/429

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68 S T A T. ]

PUBLIC LAW 470-JULY 2, 1954


For the compensation of the Vice President of the United States, $30,000. For expense allowance of the Vice President, $10,000. SALARIES, OFFICERS A N D EMPLOYEES

For compensation of officers, employees, clerks to Senators, and others as authorized by law, as follows: OFFICE OF THE VICE PRESIDENT

For clerical assistance to the Vice President, at rates of compensation to be fixed by him in multiples of $5 per month, $55,410. CHAPLAIN

Chaplain of the Senate, $2,946. OFFICE o r THE SECRETARY

For office of the Secretary, $444,020: Provided, That the basic compensation of the Assistant Parliamentarian shall be increased from $5,940 to $7,000, so long as the position is held by the present incumbent. COMMITTEEMPLOYEES

For professional and clerical assistance to standing committees, and the Select Committee on Small Business, $1,767,045. CONFERENCE COMMITTEES

For clerical assistance to the Conference of the Majority, at rates of compensation to be fixed by the chairman of said committee, $33,310. For clerical assistance to the Conference of the Minority, at rates of compensation to be fixed by the chairman of said committee, $33,310. ADMINISTRATIVE A N D CLERICAL ASSISTANTS TO SENATORS

For administrative and clerical assistants and messenger service for Senators, $6,207,625. OFFICE OF SERGEANT AT ARMS A N D DOORKEEPER

For office of Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper, $1,276,875, including seven additional pages at the basic annual rate of compensation of $1,800 each, as authorized by Public Law 357, Eighty-third Congress; Ante, p. 83. one foreman of skilled laborers at $2,100 basic and four skilled laborers at $1,920 basic each in lieu of five skilled laborers at $1,920 basic each; assistant postmaster at $4,560 basic in lieu of assistant postmaster at $4,140 basic; superintendent, service department, at $4,380 basic in lieu of foreman in folding room at $3,600 basic; assistant superintendent, service department, at $2,460 basic in lieu of clerk in folding room at $2,460 basic; clerk in service department at $1,980 basic in lieu of clerk in folding room at $1,980 basic; chief machine operator at $2,460 basic in lieu of chief folder at $2,460 basic; and thirteen machine operators at $1,740 basic each in lieu of thirteen folders at $1,740 basic each: Provided, That hereafter the Senate oe ^mlntf*'^^* Folding Room shall be known as the Senate Service Department.