Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 68 Part 1.djvu/455

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2, 1954



Salaries and expenses: For necessary expenses of the Civil Aeronautics Administration in carrying out the provisions of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938, as amended (49 U.S.C. 401), the Act of 52 Stat. 973. August 8, 1950 (49 U.S.C. 457), and other Acts incident to the 64 Stat. 4i7. enforcement of safety regulations; maintenance and operation of air navigation facilities and air traffic control; furnishing advisory service to States and other public and private agencies in connection with the construction or improvement of airports and landing areas; and the disposal of surplus airports; including hire of aircraft (not exceeding $225,000); the operation and maintenance of eighty aircraft; fees and mileage of expert and other witnesses; and purchase and repair of skis and snowshoes; $97,650,000: Provided, That there may states" ^tc. °™ be credited to this appropriation, funds received from States, counties, municipalities, and other public authorities for expenses incurred in the maintenance and operation of airport traffic control towers. Establishment of air-navigation facilities: For an additional amount for the acquisition and establishment by contract or purchase and hire of air-navigation facilities, including the equipment of additional civil airways for day and night flying; the construction of additional necessary lighting, radio, and other signaling and communicating structures and apparatus; the alteration and modernization of existing air-navigation facilities; the acquisition of the necessary sites by lease, condemnation or grant; the construction and furnishing of quarters and related accommodations for officers and employees of the Civil Aeronautics Administration stationed at remote localities not on foreign soil where such accommodations are not otherwise available; $5,000,000, to remain available until expended: Provided, That Transfers, transfers may be made from this appropriation to the appropriation "Salaries and expenses, Civil Aeronautics Administration", for costs of maintenance and operation of aircraft for initial flight checking of facilities established under this appropriation (not to exceed $119,000); for necessary expenses in connection with the transportation by air to and from and within the Territories of the United States of materials and equipment secured under this appropriation (not to exceed $115,000); and for necessary administrative costs (not to exceed $250,000). Technical development and evaluation: For expenses necessary in carrying out the provisions of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938, as amended (49 U.S.C. 401), relative to such developmental work and 52 Stat. 973. service testing as tends to the creation of improved air-navigation facilities, including landing areas, aircraft, aircraft engines, propellers, appliances, personnel, and operation methods; acquisition of necessary sites by lease or grant; and operation and maintenance of Ave aircraft, which shall be in addition to the number authorized herein under the appropriation for "Salaries and expenses. Civil Aeronautics Administration"; $700,000. Federal-aid airport program, Federal Airport Act: Not to exceed $750,000 of the unobligated balance of the appropriation made available under this head in the Department of Commerce Appropriation Act, 1953, shall be available during the current fiscal year for expenses ^^ ^*^** 563. necessary for administration of the Federal Airport Act of 1946, as amended (49 U.S.C. 1101-1119), including maintenance and opera- ^o Stat. 170. tion of aircraft, and of said amount not to exceed $125,000 may be transferred to the appropriation for the current fiscal year for "Salaries and expenses, Civil Aeronautics Administration". Maintenance and operation of public airports. Territory of Alaska: For expenses necessary for the maintenance, improvement, and oper-