Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 68 Part 1.djvu/496

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PUBLIC LAW 482-JULY 12, 1954

[68 S T A T.

other nonprofit diagnostic or treatment centers, (2) public or other nonprofit hospitals for the chronically ill and impaired, (3) public or other nonprofit rehabilitation facilities, or (4) public or other nonprofit nursing homes shall be submitted, and shall be approved by the Surgeon General (subject also, in the case of rehabilitation facilities, to the approval of the Secretary) if sufficient funds are available from the State's allotment under this part for such type of facility, in accordance with the procedures and subject to the conditions prescribed in subsection (a) of section 625 and the regulations issued 29*ii."^^ 2 9ih, under section 622 as revised and supplemented for the purposes of this part: Provided, however, That (except with respect to hospitals) the assurances required for compliance with State standards for operation and maintenance shall be limited to such standards, if any, as the State may prescribe. Approved applications shall be subject to amendment as provided in subsection (c) of section 625. " (b) Upon the request of any State that a specified portion of any allotment to such State for the purposes of paragraph (1), (2), or (4) of section 651 be added to another allotment of such State for the purposes of one of such paragraphs, and upon the simultaneous certification to the Surgeon General by the State agency in such State to the effect that it has afforded a reasonable opportunity to make applications for the portion so specified and there have been no approvable applications for such portion, the Surgeon General shall promptly adjust the allotments in accordance with such request and shall notify the State agency, and thereafter the allotments as so adjusted shall be deemed the State's allotments for the purposes of such paragraphs. "(c) I n accordance with regulations, any State may file with the Surgeon General a request that a specified portion of an allotment to it under this part for any type of facility be added to the corresponding allotment of another State for the purpose of meeting a portion of the Federal share of the cost of a project for the construction of a facility of that type in such other State. If it is found by the Surgeon General (or, in the case of a rehabilitation facility, by the Surgeon General and the Secretary) that construction of the facility with respect to which the request is made would meet needs of the State making the request and that use of the specified portion of such State's allotment, as requested by it, would assist in carrying out the purposes of this part, such portion of such State's allotment shall be added to the corresponding allotment of the other State, to be used for the purpose referred to above. " (d) Procedures and conditions for payments under this part shall 42 USC 29ih. ]3g {vi accord with the provisions of subsection (b) of section 625. "(e) Notwithstanding subsection (a) of this section, no application for a diagnostic or treatment center shall be approved under such subsection unless the applicant is (1) a State, political subdivision, or public agency, or (2) a corporation or association which owns and Post, p. 465. operates a nonprofit hospital (as defined in section 631(g)). " AMENDMENT OF PARTS A, C, AND D OF TITLE VI

42 USC 291.

42 USC 29ih.

SEC. 4. (a) That part of section 601 of the Public Health Service Act which precedes paragraph (a) is amended by striking out "purpose of this title" and inserting in lieu thereof "purpose of parts B through D of this title". (b) Subsection (e) of section 625 of the Public Health Service Act is hereby amended to read: "(e) If any hospital, diagnostic or treatment center, rehabilitation facility, or nursing home for which funds have been paid under this