Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 68 Part 1.djvu/536

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P e r s o n s to act for Governor.

G o V e r nment reorganization, e t c.


Executive department h e a d s.



PUBLIC LAW 517~JULY 22, 1954



such appointments, preference shall be given to qualified residents of the Virgin Islands. SEC. 14. I n case of a vacancy in the office of Governor or the disability or temporary absence of the Governor, the Government Secretary shall have all the powers of the Governor. SEC. 15. The Secretary of the Interior may from time to time designate the head of an executive department of the government of the Virgin Islands to act as Governor in the case of a vacancy in the offices, or the disability or temporary absence, of both the Governor and the Government Secretary, and the person so designated shall have all the powers of the Governor for so long as such condition continues. SEC. 16. (a) The Governor shall, within one year after the date of approval of this Act, reorganize and consolidate the existing executive departments, bureaus, independent boards, agencies, authorities, commissions, and other instrumentalities of the government of the Virgin Islands or of the municipal governments into not more than nine executive departments except for independent bodies whose existence may be required by Federal law for participation in Federal programs. The head of each executive department shall be designated as the Commissioner thereof, and the Commissioner of Finance shall be bonded. No other department, bureau, independent board, agency, authority, commission, or other instrumentality shall be created, organized, or established by the Governor or the legislature, without the prior approval of the Secretary of the Interior, unless required by Federal law for participation in Federal programs. (b) The Governor shall, from time to time, after complying with the provisions of subsection (a) of this section, examine the organization of the executive branch of the government of the Virgin Islands, and shall make such changes therein, subject to the approval of the legislature, not inconsistent with this Act, as he determines are necessary to promote effective management and to execute faithfully the purposes of this Act and the laws of the Virgin Islands. (c) The heads of the executive departments created by this Act shall be appointed by the Governor, with the advice and consent of the legislature. Each shall hold office during the continuance in office of the Governor by whom he is appointed and until his successor is appointed and qualified, unless sooner removed by the Governor. Each shall have such powders and duties as may be prescribed by the legislature. SEC. 17. (a) The Secretary of the Interior shall appoint a government comptroller who shall receive a salary of not to exceed $12,500 per annum. The government comptroller shall hold office for a term of ten years and until his successor is appointed and qualified unless sooner removed by the Secretary of the Interior for cause. The government comptroller shall not be eligible for reappointment. (b) The government comptroller shall audit and settle all accounts and claims pertaining to the revenues and receipts from whatever source of the government of the Virgin Islands and of funds derived from bond issues; and he shall audit and settle, in accordance with law and administrative regulations, all expenditures of funds and property pertaining to the government of the Virgin Islands including those pertaining to trust funds held by the government of the Virgin Islands. (c) I t shall be the duty of the government comptroller to bring to the attention of the proper administrative officer failures to collect amounts due the government, and expenditures of funds or property which in his opinion are extravagant, excessive, unnecessary, or irregular.