Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 68 Part 1.djvu/555

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68 S T A T. ]

PUBLIC LAW 519-JULY 22, 1954


shall transmit to each such Committee a prospectus of the proposed project, including (but not limited to)— (1) a brief description of the building located or to be erected at a given location; (2) an estimate of the maximum cost of site and building together with the term of years over which payments would run and the maximum rate of interest that would be acceptable for any deferred part of such cost; (3) a certificate of need for the space signed by the head of the agency or agencies which will use the facility; (4) a statement by the Postmaster General that suitable space owned by the Government is not available and that suitable rental space is not available at a price commensurate with that to be afforded through the contract proposed; (5) a statement of the managerial, custodial, heat and utility services to be provided by the contractor, or an estimate of their probable cost if to be supplied in any part by the Government; (6) a statement of the requirements for tax liability, upkeep and maintenance of the property by either the contractor or the Government during the period of the contract; (7) a statement of rents and other housing costs currently being paid by the Government for any agencies to be housed in the building to be erected; and (8) a statement in writing by the Director of the Bureau of the Budget that the project is necessary and in conformity with the policy of the President. (h) With respect to any interest in real property acquired under Taxes, the provisions of this section, the same shall be subject to State and local taxes until title to the same shall pass to the Government of the United States. (i) Every lease-purchase agreement entered into pursuant to this pr^ipah"*^°" °* title shall provide for equal annual payments for the amortization Annual payof principal with interest thereon and the Postmaster General shall *"*"**• not enter into any such contract unless the amount of the annual payment required by such contract plus the aggregate of the annual payments required by all other lease-purchase agreements entered into during the same fiscal year do not exceed the specific limitations on such payments which shall be provided in appropriation acts: Provided, That prior to July 1, 1955, a limitation of not to exceed Limitation. $3,000,000 is hereby established for such purpose. SEC. 203. (a) The Postmaster General is authorized to— Authorization. (1) negotiate and enter into lease agreements with any person, copartnership, corporation, or other puulic or private entity, which do not bind the Government for periods exceeding thirty years for each such lease agreement, on such terms as the Postmaster General deems to be in the best interests of the United States, for the erection by such lessor of such buildings and improvements for postal purposes as the Postmaster General deems appropriate, on lands sold, leased, or otherwise disposed of by the Postmaster General to, or otherwise acquired by, such person, copartnership, corporation, or public or private entity; (2) for the purposes of paragraph (1) of this section, and without regard to the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 (Act of June 30, 1949, ch. 288, Eighty-first Con- " Stat. 377. /-.


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gress, first session), as amended— (A) acquire by purchase, condemnation, lease, donation, or otherwise, and on such terms as he shall deem appropriate to the best interests of the United States, real property and interests therein, for use for postal purposes; and

40 Uot. 4 71 note.