Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 68 Part 1.djvu/559

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68 S T A T. 1


PUBLIC LAW 523-JULY 23, 1954

address of a person in such State upon whom process issued by or under the authority of any court having jurisdiction of the subject matter may be served in any proceeding at law or equity brought against such carrier. Such designation may from time to time be changed by like writing similarly filed. I n the event such carrier fails to file such designation, service may be made upon any agent of such motor carrier within such State." Approved July 22, 1954. Public Law 523


AN ACT To provide for the restoration and maintenance of the United States ship Constitution and to authorize the disposition of the United States ship Constellation, United States ship Hartford, United States ship Olympia, and United States ship Oregon, and for other purposes.

July 23, 1954 [H. R. 8247]

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary u^|*s'^*coMtituof the Navy is authorized to repair, equip, and restore the United States tion. ' ship Constitution, as far as may be practicable, to her original condi- Restoration, tion, but not for active service, and thereafter to maintain the United States ship Constitution at Boston, Massachusetts. SEC. 2. The Secretary of the Navy is authorized— U. S. (a) to make minimum repairs to the United States ship Con- lation. S. Constelstellation so as to enable that vessel to be safely transported, by Transfer to B a l t i more, Md., towing or otherwise, from its present berth to the harbor of e t c. Baltimore, Maryland; (b) to transport, by towing or otherwise, the United States ship Constellation from its present berth to the harbor of Baltimore, Maryland; and (c) to transfer by gift the United States ship Constellation to the State of Maryland, the city of Baltimore, or to a corporation or association located in Baltimore whose charter or articles of agreement denies it the right to operate for profit, for restoration as a public memorial at Baltimore, Maryland. SEC. 3. The Secretary of the Navy is authorized— (a) to make minimum repairs to the United States ship Hart- U.S.S. s Hartford. Tran fer to ford so as to enable that vessel to be safely transported, by towing Mobile"/Aia.) etV or otherwise, from its present berth to the harbor of Mobile, Alabama; (b) to transport, by towing or otherwise, the United States ship Hartford, from its present berth to the harbor of Mobile, Alabama; and (c) to transfer by gift the United States ship Hartford to the State of Alabama, the city of Mobile, or to a corporation or association located in Mobile whose charter or articles of agreement denies it the right to operate for profit, for restoration as a public memorial at Mobile, Alabama. Terms S E C 4. The Secretary of the Navy is authorized to make the trans- ditions. and confers authorized in subsections 2(c) and 3 (c) under such terms and conditions as he shall prescribe, such terms and conditions to include but not be limited to the following: (a) Application for transfer hereunder will not be considered unless received within one year of the enactment of this Act; (b) Each transferee shall take delivery of the vessel within one year of enactment of this Act; (c) On failure to take delivery within one year of enactment