Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 68 Part 1.djvu/569

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68 S T A T. 1

PUBLIC LAW 534-JULY 27, 1954


(Sixth Army Area) Fort Lewis, Washington: Troop housing and utilities, $6,268,000. Presidio of Monterey, California: Troop housing, $330,000. Fort Ord, California: Troop housing and maintenance facilities, $774,000. Camp Cooke (United States disciplinary barracks), California: Troop housing, $923,000. (Military Academy) United States Military Academy, New York: Troop housing and training facilities, $9,950,000. (Armed Forces Special Weapons Project) Various installations: Community facilities, maintenance facilities, liquid storage facilities, and utilities, $2,080,000. OUTSIDE CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES

(Alaskan Area) Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska: Tactical facilities, $800,(;00. Kenai, Alaska: Family housing and operational facilities, $1,674,000. Ladd Air Force Base, Alaska: Troop housing and tactical facilities, $2,821,000. Fort Richardson, Alaska: Tactical facilities, $1,800,000. Whittier, Alaska: Utilities and maintenance facilities, $541,000. (Far East Command Area) Okinawa: Community, troop supporting and medical facilities, troop housing, family housing (including one set of family quarters with a net floor area of not to exceed twenty-one hundred square feet), operational, maintenance and administrative facilities, and utilities, $5,917,000. (Pacific Command Area)



Waiawa Radio Transmission Station, Hawaii: Troop housing and utilities, $221,000. (Icelandic Command Area) Keflavik (and vicinity), Iceland: Family housing, troop housing and supporting facilities, operational and maintenance facilities, and ammunition and closed storage facilities, $5,490,000. C l a s s i ied SEC. 102. The Secretary of the Army is authorized to establish or stallationsf and iitfadevelop classified military installations and facilities by the acquisi- cuATe^" tion of land and the construction, conversion, rehabilitation or installation of permanent or temporary public works, including site preparation, appurtenances, utilities and equipment, in the total amount of $87,700,000. SEC. 108. The Secretary of the Army is authorized to lease, without efse^ierNfas's"'^ regard to the provisions of section 321 of the Act of June 30, 1932 °'* ^ * (47 Stat. 412; 40 U.S.C. 303b), or title VI of the Act of September 28, 1951 (65 Stat. 365; 40 U.S.C. 551-554), to the Commonwealth of Massacluisetts. subject to the provisions of this Act and upon such terms and conditions as he shall determine are in the public interest, with the riglit to said Commonwealtli to sublease, the pier comprising a part of the Boston Army Base in the port of Boston, and such other property at or portions of said base as the Secretary may determine.