Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 68 Part 1.djvu/587

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68 S T A T. ]

PUBLIC LAW 534-JULY 27, 1954

Williams Air Force Base, Chandler, Arizona: Communications and navigational aids, aircraft maintenance facilities, and utilities, $94,000, which amount is included in the authorizations in Public Laws 910, 155, and 534.


Ante, p. 5 4 3.


Birmingham Modification Center, Birmingham, Alabama: Utilities and shop facilities, $78,000, which amount is included in the authorization in Public Law 534. Brookley Air Force Base, Mobile, Alabama: Airfield pavements, liquid fuel storage and dispensing facilities, communications, navigational aids and airfield lighting facilities, aircraft maintenance facilities, utilities, land acquisition, personnel facilities, and administrative and community facilities, $3,814,000, which amount is included in the authorizations in Public Laws 910, 155, 534, and 209. Gentile A i r Force Depot, Dayton, Ohio: Utilities, storage facilities, and shop facilities, $489,000, which amount is included in the authorizations in Public Laws 910 and 155. Hill A i r Force Base, Ogden, U t a h: Airfield pavements, communications, navigational aids and airfield lighting facilities, operational facilities, aircraft maintenance facilities, utilities, land acquisition, storage facilities, and administrative and community facilities, a total of $10,170,000, of which amount $2,237,000 is included in the authorizations in Public Laws 910, 155, and 534, and $7,933,000 is herewith authorized. Kelly Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas: Airfield pavements, communications, navigational aids and airfield lighting facilities, operational facilities, utilities, and land acquisition, $12,713,000, which amount is included in the authorizations in Public Laws 564, 910, 155, 534, and 209.

^"'«' P* 543.

^"'«' P* 543. ^"'e» P* 543.

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Mallory A i r Force Depot, Memphis, Tennessee: Aircraft maintenance facilities and utilities, a total of $268,000, of which amount $25,000 is included in the authorization in Public Law 155, and $243,000 Ante, p. 5 4 3. is herewith authorized. McClellan Air Force Base, Sacramento, California: Airfield pavements, communications, navigational aids and airfield lighting facilities, aircraft maintenance facilities, troop housing and messing facilities, utilities, storage facilities, and administrative and community facilities, $3,415,000, which amount is included in the authorizaAnte, p. 5 4 3. tions in Public Laws 910, 155, 534, and 209. Norton Air Force Base, San Bernardino, California: Airfield pavements, communications and navigational aids, aircraft maintenance facilities, utilities, land acquisition, and storage facilities, a total of $4,303,000, of which amount $2,120,000 is included in the authorizations in Public Laws 910, 155, and 209, and $2,183,000 is herewith ^ " ' «. P ' 5 4 3. authorized. Norwalk No. 1 Air Force Tank Farm, Norwalk, California: Liquid fuel storage and dispensing facilities, $156,000. Norwalk No. 2 A i r Force Tank Farm, Norwalk, California: Liquid fuel storage and dispensing facilities, and utilities, a total of $737,000, of which amount $19,000 is included in the authorizations in Public Laws 564 and 910, and $718,000 is herewith authorized. ^"'«' P* 543. Olmsted Air Force Base, Middletown, Pennsylvania: Operational facilities, aircraft maintenance facilities, utilities, land acquisition, and storage facilities, $1,970,000, which amount is included in the authorizations in Public Laws 910, 155, and 209. ^"*®' P* 543. Kobins Air Force Base, Macon, Georgia: Airfield pavements, communications, navigational aids and airfield lighting facilities, operational facilities, aircraft maintenance facilities, troop housing and