Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 68 Part 1.djvu/618

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PUBLIC LAW 557-JULY 29, 1954

C o m m u n i s t organization r e g i s tration. 64 Stat. 993. P r i n t i n g presses, etc.


Pennsylvania and partly in the Fortieth Ward of the city of Philadelphia, comprising nine hundred and fifty-one acres more or less; and to execute in proper form a full and complete release and discharge of the yearly ground rent reserved to the United States under and pursuant to said deed, and relieving the city of Philadelphia from the fulfillment of any and all covenants, conditions and trusts for the benefit of the United States set forth in said deed. gj,^.^ 2. The execution of the aforesaid release shall be made without consideration therefor and upon condition that the aforesaid tract shall be held, used and developed as and for an air, rail, and marine terminal for the promotion and furtherance of the interstate and foreign commerce of the United States, and for industrial purposes related thereto: Provided, That the premises shall not be disposed of by the city of Philadelphia by conveyance or sale, except in furtherance of the public purposes herein set forth. The release shall contain a further provision that whenever the Congress of the United States shall declare a state of war or other national emergency the United States shall have the right to enter upon the premises and use the same or any part thereof owned by the city of Philadelphia for a period not to exceed the duration of such state of war or national emergency plus six months, and upon cessation of such use said premises shall revert to the city of Philadelphia: Provided however, That the United States shall be responsible during the period of such use for the maintenance of all of the property so used, and shall pay a fair rental for the use of any structures or other improvements which have been added thereto, said rental to include all debt service charges or other obligations arising out of the financing of all structures or improvements on the aforesaid premises. Approved July 29, 1954. Public Law 557

July 29, 19S4 [S. 2766]



AN ACT To anieud section 7(d) of the Internal Security Act of 1950, as amended.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America m Congress assembled, That section 7(d) of the Internal Security Act of 1950, as amended (50 U.S.C. 786 (d)), is amended by adding after paragraph (5) the following: " (6) A listing, in such form and detail as the Attorney General shall by regulation prescribe, of all printing presses and machines including but not limited to rotary presses, flatbed cylinder presses, platen presses, lithographs, offsets, photo-offsets, mimeograph machines, multigraph machines, multilith machines, duplicating machines, ditto machines, linotype machines, intertype machines, monotype machines, and all other types of printing presses, typesetting machines or any mechanical devices used or intended to be used, or capable of being used to produce or publish printed matter or material, which are in the possession, custody, ownership, or control of the Communist-action or Communist-front organization or its officers, members, affiliates, associates, group, or groups in which the Communist-action or Communist-front organization, its officers or members have an interest." Approved July 29, 1954.